Monday, May 30, 2011

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  • Kadin
    May 3, 09:43 PM
    Apple once again shows that they really know how to create a nice and short commercial.

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 23, 05:17 PM
    It is no secret that pedophiles have been known to hack children's computers to gain access to their webcam pictures, messenger conversations and ect. If that child has an iPhone and the said pedophile knows the file that contains the iPhone locations; what the pedo essentially has is the child's daily or weekly routine of where they are.

    I buy it. Slim chance, but certainly possible and certainly doable.

    I'd have to disagree. There are a lot of ways to keep tabs on someone if you wish to do them harm. The issue is whether the (as yet unknown) purpose of this data is useful enough to justify it's being there in the state it's in. There is no immediate way it gives anyone any special or expedient means of causing another harm. You'll need a lot of contingencies and variables come together to form specific cases. I really don't see that happening. That said, the reasons I've seen so far aren't that nefarious. It actually makes sense to be tracked in this way, especially in light of the argument that it's a caching mechanism in order to make it easier to switch from tower to tower. I can believe this. I don't believe there's any evil behind it. Nor do I for the moment believe this is easily accessible by anyone other than physically by the user/owner of the phone. And then it's likely not easy for the average person.

    Said paedophile *before* this information has been able to track children without problems using other means, I'd wager. Likely easier means, though I'm not well-versed in the specific modus operandi of paedophiles. I suspect I'll need forensics/law enforcement training to get a complete understanding.

    Besides, your example is based upon pure conjecture. First assumption is they are able to hack into their phone. Is hacking into iPhones remoely a big problem out in the wild? Not that I've heard or seen.

    What I'm saying is take the "wait and see" aproach before we begin to vilify and condemn Apple as self-serving, careless data-mining opportunists.

    So it's a plea for sanity. But I've noticed that whenever Apple's quarterly report rolls around and it's usually stellar news, the insanity of our loveable contrarians ramps up, purely for the purpose of being contrarians, as if we need to "balance out" all the enthusiasm with careful doses of negativity so we're not *too* positive. I'm not referring to you, roadbloc, by the way.

    So in any case, this is my position, and I'll say it's the same position I'd take if it were Google and MS.

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  • carmenodie
    Oct 6, 08:32 PM
    Seriously, what is it with verizon?! They didn't want they iphone b/c it came with features out the box that Apple wasn't going to cripple so verizon could charge their premiums for it(V Cast my a**). Now with so many defectors heading to at&t they
    see now what the consumer wants and will go where ever the best deal is. Like it or hate it the iphone is a freaking hit. Home run out the park. Balco juiced or au natural the darn thing is the s***!!!
    I have the 3GS and there ain't nothing out there like. NOTHING!!!!!!
    Now if only Apple would put gaming controls on the touch. You'd see the psp and the pspgo retail for $19.99. You know I'm right. And don't forget the dual analog sticks. OH LAWD! Sony would just die.

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  • ZipZap
    May 4, 04:55 AM

    Get your facts straight

    This is the carriers messing people over, not Google.

    Google added wireless hotspot feature to all Android 2.2 (Froyo) devices last year (and Apple included a similar feature in to the iPhone 4 with IOS 4 AFAIK).

    Actually, To be precise...this is the carrier enforcing the contract you made with them. You did sign a contract, right?


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  • Rocketman
    Nov 16, 05:50 PM
    If you recall, at the 1-06 unveiling of the intel Macs (or maybe it was the conference call Q&A), Steve stated AMD made really good server chips, but Apple makes consumer products.

    Perhaps Apple is doing an AMD based blade, or iTV, or some "appliance" product.

    The rumour is unlikely to be true however.


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  • milo
    Oct 3, 11:13 AM
    The moment you've got a life to lose if you're sued and you have your hds full of pirated movies, music and stuff would be a good point to start being worried. About that life of yours if you're having a job and a family and things like that. Could get nasty if you're having a criminal record and things like that, you know.

    And how exactly would they know to sue you in the first place?


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  • slackpacker
    Apr 29, 04:06 PM
    This is good the slider metaphor was very annoying and slow to use.

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  • 0010101
    Oct 29, 11:57 AM
    No, you have it backwards. Software companies don't release products because the hardware is out there. They release because they've added new features and want user to upgrade and new consumers to come. Consumers buy the hardware because the software is available for it. A computer without software is just a really expensive paper weight. It's Adobe's lack of a native Creative Suite than keeps professionals from picking up MacPros - and Apple said just that during their last financial results call.

    You think graphic designers aren't interested in getting an Intel Mac and the performance gains that come with it? They get higher performance running Photoshop on the G5's they have now than running it on the Intel Macs under Rosetta. So why spend the money to degrade your production apps?

    Adobe has nothing to gain from not releasing a native Creative Suite. I mean, it's not like Apple is going to hold a press conference tomorrow and announce they are going back to IBM chips. This is the future and if Adobe doesn't ship a new Creative Suite they will be no different than the companies that never ported their apps to PPC native versions and stayed with 68k - giving up.

    The graphics professionals I know don't scurry out to buy a new Mac everytime apple lifts it's cheek and plops one out.

    Software companies make their money by writing their software to the largest audience, and the Intel Mac is currently a very small portion of an already small segment of the general 'computer user' population.

    If your argument is that if Adobe were to write a universal version of their software that graphics professionals would run out instantly to buy new hardware, that's just not reality.. not when they're still paying off the G5's they just bought a year or two ago.

    The vast majority of people I know who use an Apple computer for a living in the visual arts sector have not made the switch to an Intel Mac, and don't plan to anytime soon, regardless of what Adobe does.

    In fact, talk around the campfire seems to revolve around wether Intel Mac native apps will run any better or faster than the new crop of Winblows apps.. with some 'jumping ship' to join the thousands of others who have moved to the Windows platform in recent years.


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  • neiltc13
    Sep 12, 08:37 AM
    It has to come back soon, think of all the sales they're losing!

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  • Macula
    Jan 7, 06:41 PM
    Is it possible to download the entire keynote file (.avi) to my hard disk instead of viewing it streamed? Is it possible at all with Safari, or do I need Firefox and some extension/plugin?



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  • Leoff
    Oct 29, 05:50 AM
    Apple is a hardware company.
    Apple is a hardware company.

    If they didn't sell Macintoshes and iPods they would be out of business.
    If they didn't sell Macintoshes and iPods they would be out of business.

    The software is what makes the hardware valuable.
    The software is what makes the hardware valuable.

    The software is easy to use and works well.
    The software is easy to use and works well.

    If the software worked on any hardware, it would not be so easy to use.
    If the software worked on any hardware, it would not be so easy to use.

    It would also not work so well.
    It would also not work so well.

    What's funny is, you could easily swap "Software" for "Hardware" in your little mantra and it still rings just as true.

    "Apple is a Software Company"
    "If they didn't sell the Mac OS they would be out of business"
    "The Hardware is what makes the Software valuable"
    "The Hardware is easy to use and works well"
    "If they Hardware worked with any software, it would not be so easy to use"
    "It would also not work so well"

    Apple is not a hardware company, it is a computer company. There is quite a difference. Apple has a symbiotic relationship between it's hardware and software. One without the other, the company would be dead.

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  • darkplanets
    Apr 29, 03:42 PM
    I noticed on an aforementioned wikipedia page that Samba was removed...

    Does this mean I cannot connect to a linux server via smb:// ???
    Not everything is a windows workgroup... :(
    I mean I guess it's not a huge deal since I can ssh in, but I liked mounting it as a volume from finder.


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  • Mexbearpig
    Apr 11, 04:35 PM
    Bought these little sunglasses to last me for the week in Florida on spring vacation. But hopefully they last longer.

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  • radiohead14
    Apr 16, 04:45 AM
    I bet Google try to sell to the label the idea of free advertisement supported music, and Google get to keep 70% of the revenue.:eek:


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  • miamialley
    Apr 8, 01:55 PM
    I realize this is a rumor site, but posting conflicting rumors in the same day is getting obnoxious. Is there ANY fact checking at all?

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 27, 05:28 PM
    Only if they are walking around naked. There are still going to be stalls right?


    Eyes were made for looking, so men look. Sorry.

    But I bet if an unwelcome advance were made in a unisex washroom, any male with balls would come forward, and make life more complicated for the insurgent.

    I know I would.


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  • asif786
    Sep 10, 07:02 PM
    hokay, i'm a little late to this thread but i'll still chime in..

    with regards to kanye's appearance at the special event, it was okay i guess. he is one of the most 'happening' people in music so it was a good move by apple to pick someone different to who they normally do. plus i guess it woke the crowd up! ;)

    However, i think it would've been cool to get madonna there. she's probably liked a lit more than Kanye. but giving anyone a madonna performance would put a smile on their face..and thats exactly what you want to do at a media event - make the journalists happy. i guess she was just way too busy or she commanded some crazy fee..

    still, madonna's hot. end of. :rolleyes:

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  • Aniej
    Jan 5, 04:11 PM
    I didn't see any replies to my idea about posting a counter to tick of the DD:HH:MM:SS until climax, I mean Keynote.;) Usually I take that as a bad sign, but you know how you all get when you have blue b..., you can't think straight. So is this idea worth pursuing, kinda like the widgets available, but might be nice to have directly tied to the link with no spoilers.

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  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 28, 09:59 AM
    In a dreamland, sure, it works out great.

    Reality: Guy and a woman in adjacent stalls. Man drops his phone on the ground. Picks it up. woman assumes he is taking photos of her under the stall. Etc.

    I guess they will have to think of a way to get the stall walls to go all the way to the ground. If we could put a man on the moon....

    Personally, I like the setup at this Nyc market I went to. All bathrooms were one toilet/urinal/sink. One at a time or a family would go in. Problem solved.

    Rodimus Prime
    Oct 6, 05:47 PM
    My original iPhone was not subsidized and I had to buy it at full price. I chose the device with no qualms about what network I was required to use.

    While the iPhone is now subsidized, so are many other phones on many other networks. If only certain networks were doing this to add value to choosing their contracts, I could understand your point of choosing the network before the device. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't understand how this changes my argument that the service is just a commodity while the device is the consumer's primary choice.

    I think the biggest problem is when Apple had the chance to change the game by not doing subizided cost they instead give in and just make it worse by forcing a much larger than average subsudize on there phone ($400 vs $250).

    Unlock phones puts the network and the phone separete. But as long as it is lock in together it should be choose network first

    i get what your sayin, but nah, they can still complain all they want... i dont think it says in the contract be expected to have 30% dropped calls.

    people complain not only to relieve themselves, but to eventually get whats right. (complaining on macrumors isnt exactly the best way of going about it, ill give you that)

    Well the people who choose the iPhone knowing service are spotty put the label on them as not smart.
    Smart people look things over and choose what works best for them. For me I know service is the first thing I look at and that is how I got to ATT (Cingular at the time )for my phone and dump Verizon. Verizon service was crap where I was 6 months out of the year. Sprint and Cingular/ATT were king in that area. I used Sprint for a while and it was great. Switch to ATT because most of my friends and family were on it so M2M.

    Either way I choose the service first then pick out the phones from there.

    Sep 12, 07:28 AM
    can we confim the what countrys itunes stores are down ?

    usa/uk ...

    german store is down too

    Aug 8, 01:57 AM
    I think they should have dropped the Cinema Display updates now. We need adjustability. The drop in prices still won't make me consider one....Dells are still a better deal to be honest.

    Oct 4, 01:59 PM
    Windows and Linux are running on the same platform, and both have proven SMP capabilities far beyond what Apple is selling.

    Most of the quad and octo systems at IDF were running XP, W2K3, or Vista. None were running OSX.

    Squarely wrong. Even "The Inquirer" has talked about the vastly superior multitasking AND SMP features of OS X Leopard, as compared to what Vista seems to offer. Damn, even today any version of Windows crawls far behind OS X in that (XP Home didn't even have SMP support in the first place).

    Second: the fact that IDF didn't have any "octo" machines derives from the simple and obvious assessment that Apple does NOT have any "octo" machines. Anything else would be just illegal.

    And the lack of any OS X-running "quad" machines is not surprising either, given the usual (and) historical focus of the IDF; besides, it's an easy fallacy to assert that the non-existence of machines "running OS X" in quad configurations at a certain event means a lack of capacity by OS X to do so. This statement has no basis whatsoever.

    Sep 30, 08:29 AM
    In the architectural drawing, above the kitchen and below the bedrooms (using the top of the image as up and the bottom of the image as down) there is a rectangular room with an arch inside it. It's not labeled like the rest is. Any ideas what that is?

    Initially I thought large pantry due to its location from the kitchen, but the pantry is labeled to the right of that area.

    Perhaps a library with round desk / seating? Sitting room with a circular hearth in the middle? Breakfast nook?

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