Monday, May 30, 2011

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  • ZilogZ80
    Mar 17, 06:32 AM
    You're classy.

    I hope karma greets you tomorrow morning with a swift kick in the mouth.
    Not to condone OP's actions in any way, but karma isn't real.
    People should conduct themselves according to their moral code, not out of fear that the universe will somehow reward or punish them. This is the 21st century, it's time mankind grew up and took some personal responsibility. There is no "higher power" judging our actions.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    May 5, 04:25 PM
    The NRA suffers from a systemic paranoia, and their attitude is one of the biggest obstacles in the way of a more sensible and equitable firearms policy in this country.

    While I'm not sure why anyone seems to think that doctors asking questions about guns is a big issue in the first place, I don't see any reason to pass laws making it illegal for them to do so.

    This is idiocy, a waste of time and money.

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  • Cleverboy
    Jan 13, 04:12 PM
    What I'm wondering is.. if Gizmodo never posted that video, would we have heard about it anyway? As in, would there be news stories saying "Pranksters hit CES hard by turning off displays"
    My guess is we wouldn't have heard anything of the sort.Very true. They were so proud, they incriminated themselves, and went so far as to say that Panasonic was "lucky" they didn't have an exposed IR receiver fro their 150 inch display. Wow.

    ~ CB

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  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Sep 12, 08:18 AM
    and under the films, stands "more music video's" hmmm thats strange:rolleyes:Not that strange... all the European sites seem to have this:


    All with "More music videos underneath", but movie trailers are just above...

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  • ironsienna
    Apr 30, 08:44 AM
    The Graphics design artist in me just had an aneurysm.

    And what is exactly your point? The specific app is not intended to be a part of the OS interface. It is using a more immersed, recreational interface, which makes it fun to use. (Have a look on the review here to see what I mean:�-led-flashlight-for-iphone-4-review/ ) Users enjoy the animations and sound effects. They are using it for the whole experience, not just for the usability of it.

    On the other hand, OS interfaces are belonging to a different category. And although there is a trend to make the native OS apps more immersive (take as an example the new iCal. It uses an interface that tries to emulate a real object, a real leather Calendar), users could have given the option to switch between a more abstract UI style. The main reason of using native OS apps (such as ical, mail, etc) is more task centred rather than experience oriented. The ideal would be not using any interface at all and just have a personal assistant do all the hard work for us accepting voice commands. Hopefully we are not far away from something like that though�

    It is interesting to notice that there are two different trends for the interface design criteria of the OS apps. Two different schools. One is the school of immersive interface, such as iCal, garageBand for iPad, iMovie for the iPhone with all the eye candy on the movie selection menu. The other is the minimalistic approach: the new Mail interface, the iPhoto, e.t.c. It is as there are two different interface design teams working in parallel, doing their experiments on UI usability, each following a different direction.

    A bit out of topic though!! Lets get back to the slider conversation!!

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  • RaZaK
    Oct 9, 11:16 AM
    i have no love for Verizon, but that was certainly a hilarious commercial.

    I guess 'desperation is the mother of all invention' applies here (i know that's not the correct quote :rolleyes:)

    it will be interesting to see what happens next year when exclusivity supposedly ends

    it will also be interesting to see if Android gains momentum with support from all the phone carriers.


    still, :apple: FTW

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  • Schmye Bubbula
    Mar 25, 12:57 PM
    I don't think I've ever seen such a consistent troll on any forum."Consistent" is an understatement.If you think that John Siracusa (or citations thereto) is a troll, then your ignorance is breathtaking. (The absence of your actually addressing the issue at hand in lieu of ad hominem attacks is conspicuous and dubious.)

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  • cal6n
    May 2, 10:31 AM

    The database at Apple was 'crowd sourced' and you opted in to that when you clicked on 'Accept' in the SLA, but that was a twice-per-day, anonymous, encrypted data packet sent back to HQ.


    Not quite. The data collection dialog was separate from the EULA agreement and was a voluntary opt-in. Whether you chose to opt-in or not did not affect how your device operated.

    Personally, I opted-in. I have no problem helping Apple to maintain their location database.

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  • twoodcc
    May 10, 09:39 PM
    It will be easier once you get moved.

    yeah it should be. i'll be there to fix any problems then

    But it's so fun cursing at the thing because you did something wrong and have to reboot into the firmware yet again. Ahhh, but once you get it right it feels good that you only took 3 days this time, the last time took a week or more :p each time gets a little less painful, usually anyway. :rolleyes:

    haha, yeah it can be fun....when it works. not so fun when things aren't working. but i'll get it

    But you loose the bigadv unit every time almost no?

    i wouldn't say that. it seems this is the only area where i've been kinda lucky. i haven't lost as many bigadv units as some, but i have lost a few

    That is true, unfortunately with my new i7980x I haven't gotten any bigadv units yet, I may need to reinstall folding to see if that works, which means losing a normal unit... And most of the problems were before I had folding going anyway.

    yeah i'm sorry to hear no bigadv units for that monster. yeah reinstalling fah might help. let us know how it goes

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  • ctdonath
    Sep 30, 12:42 PM
    I guess you are still in the lets all commute to work and congest the highways and burn all the electricity and gas we can boat.

    Some jobs are not conducive to working at/from home.
    And I'd imagine that includes being the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar company.

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  • eric55lv
    Jan 10, 12:17 AM
    New MacBook and MacBook Pro
    New MacBook Nano
    Apple TV discontuinon

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  • Moyank24
    Apr 15, 10:02 PM
    Pffft I'm practically married myself. Live-in gf. Friday nights are a thing of the past.

    Lucky girl.

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  • jimbo999
    Oct 3, 12:01 AM
    The DMCA changed that, and until it's tested in court anything where encryption is used or even potentially used is not "safe" to reverse engineer in the US.


    Not "anything where encryption is used." But if something is encrypted, it can only be reverse engineered under 1201(f):

    (f) Reverse Engineering. -

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  • bdj21ya
    Oct 10, 04:39 PM
    Looking at those rumors they got wrong was quite disappointing. I really would love for them to come out with it before Christmas, but if not, I guess I can leave the tree up til MFSF and hold out hope.

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  • netcastle
    Jan 8, 10:21 PM
    This is what I hope:

    A mac mini tower (basically a mini with more room for ram, 3.5" SATA slots, and better graphics) because I need one.

    iPhone SDK

    Ultra thin Macbook announcement

    Something to do with the @TV and Blu-ray

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  • SockRolid
    Apr 15, 01:13 PM
    Obviously fake. Look at the slanted iPhone writing on the bottom photo. Horrible photoshop skills

    Yes, the photoshopper got the perspective and angle wrong on text in the 3rd shot. Also, the volume switch hole shading is obviously off.

    All that, plus the graininess of the image is exactly what you would get when you apply the "noise" filter in photoshop. Not what you would get from the natural low-light graininess of either high speed color film or digital cameras.

    I'm not a photoshop pro, but I've photoshopped tons of color slides and digital images and all 3 of the images look fake to me. Having said that, as much as I love my '08 iPhone 3G, I think it's time for either a mostly-aluminum or zirconium dioxide redesign in 2010.

    Apple has apparently patented some kind of zirconium dioxide manufacturing process for electronics enclosures. It's strong material, won't scratch, and is radio-transparent:

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  • Surely
    Apr 6, 09:58 AM
    Post Your Last Purchase XVI ( at 2248 posts....time for a new thread. Yay.:D

    And to start this off: I bought some NY strip steaks for my new grill......they've been marinating overnight.
    Meat is murder......tasty, tasty murder.

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  • half updos for prom 2011.

  • ortuno2k
    Jan 13, 01:10 AM
    I really want a new 20" Apple Display.
    That's all for now...

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  • CaoCao
    Apr 17, 02:25 PM
    I doubt Lee missed your point; maybe your point is just undefendable. For example, explain how you can prove that adding a bit of content about modern history will somehow force something else out of the curriculum. That there are a finite amount of class hours isn't good enough.

    As we march through history, we have to condense more and more of it into a class. It wasn't that long ago that we added the space program to our description of modern history. Then JFK. MLK. Civil rights. Space shuttles. John Hinckley Jr. Fall of communism. Berlin Wall. Iraq. 9/11. Tsunamis. Egypt. What did these things take the place of or force out of the curriculum?

    Incidentally, when I came through school many years ago, it was mentioned that Einstein was a Jew. It's not irrelevant - it's part of his story and part of who he was. In my classes, it wasn't swept under the rug, but neither was it mentioned "first" nor did it make me want to convert to Judaism. Adding a facet to our understanding of a person in history is not promotion.

    You really don't get that it's not promotion. There is a big swath of gray area between promotion and concealment. The GLBT struggle for equality is part of our culture whether you are involved in it or not. It should be entered into the records.
    Adding those decreased time for other things, ideally World History and American History would be 1.5 years. JFK gets summarized as the first Catholic to get elected to president, led the disastrous Bay of Pigs and then got shot, ignoring the Peace Corps and the Space Program. John Hinckley Jr. isn't in the textbooks at all, IIRC he tried to kill Reagan and there was something about Jodi Foster

    No one is saying it is, except for you. Nothing is being placed above anything else. There is no order of importance.

    I'd prefer he be remembered for both, as they were both part of him. It's important for gay kids, like other kids, to know there are people just like them who have done great things. They're called role models. Why that bothers you is beyond me.

    Yes indeed. But why we differ is puzzling to me.
    There is a finite amount of time, the more ways you slice it the smaller the pieces get

    So a gay should see Turing and strive to be as good a mathematician as Turing? Why shouldn't they strive to be the best mathematician there is?
    Everybody stop doing stuff.

    History's all full now.
    Or we can make more time for history
    I don't think you understand the thrust of this law. It's not about creating a separate class on gay rights, it's about incorporating gay people into existing history lessons. You mention Oppenheimer. Unless, I'm mistaken, the fact that he was a jew is mentioned in most history books. The same with Einstein. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was a pretty big deal, as were the US internment camps for Japanese-Americans during WWII. The Act and the camps are pretty self-explanatory. They were directed at a specific ethnic group of people. Gay accomplishments and persecution has mostly been swept under the rug.

    Harvey Milk wasn't shot because he was gay, he was shot because he defeated a very disturbed man in an election. But, the fact that he was gay is pretty important.

    The story of America is a story of minorities.

    So the Pink Triangles of the Holocaust are irrelevant?

    Wow, I don't know what to say. People of distinction aren't simply born that way, one's upbringing and the time in which they came of age play an enormous role. Any number of American industrialists were driven by adverse events during their formative years. Those events are almost always touched on. Being gay for most of human history has been pretty difficult. To not touch on that is really stupid and shows a bias that when it comes to history, should not be shown.
    In American studies we didn't even mention the Manhattan Project, we didn't cover discrimination against the Chinese, we spent five minutes on the morality of Japanese Internment camps, but we didn't go why they interned them.

    Harvey Milk wasn't shot because he beat Dan White in an election, Dan White resigned the position of supervisor because he felt the salary wasn't enough, but within a couple days he wanted his job back, he blamed Milk for not letting him have his job back and White jumped off the deep end.

    The Holocaust was summarized as the Nazis were evil, they gassed, burned and worked to death lots of Jews, the Nazis were bad m'kay?
    They're not in the records?

    Come on, guy. Does it really matter if somebody were gay? I thought people of a liberal mindset are supposed to be "colorblind" or what have you, yet all of a sudden their sexuality, which has nothing to do with their achievements, should be made an important part of history?

    How hypocritical.
    If you set out the best negro x you have already flunked the matriculation exam for the entrance to the university of integration.

    You do realize that homosexuality is not new and in fact was prevalent throughout ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt. It wasn't until Christianity took root and became prevalent that homosexuality was looked down upon. You can thank religion for that (Leviticus 18:22). So in fact, for most of human history homosexuality was seen as no different from heterosexuality.
    Bisexuality was not uncommon, pure homosexuality was still rare and being penetrated was looked down upon because you weren't being the man in the relationship

    May 3, 10:57 PM
    really good ad. This series in reminiscent of the "think different" ad campaign.

    Apr 5, 08:43 PM
    they should allow users to like or dislike iAds to help cater the iAds that are sent to the user :cool:

    Read the description: "...lets you tag your favorites to a Loved section that�s all your own."

    You can't "dislike" them and it doesn't say what they're doing with the "loved" section other than saving it for your personal viewing pleasure, but I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually catered to your preferences using something like this.

    Jan 12, 05:20 PM
    who are you kidding? what part of iphone is not previously existed in technology?
    IMO, what's revolutionary is the combination of existing technology into a single device. Is there something on the market that does everything the iPhone does as well as it appears to do it?

    if he want to call it revolutionary, i was hoping for something revolutionary.
    Someone asked you what you were hoping for, and that's it? You call it not revolutionary, but you can't give a single idea of what you think revolutionary is? :confused:

    Seriously people, is it so bad to question things?
    And the two things you question are the capacity and the price-point? It seemed pretty obvious to me that regarding capacity, for battery reasons, they'd be using flash (like the nano) instead of a hard drive like the iPod. It's quite simple with 5 minutes worth of Smart Playlists to keep a regular stream of good music flowing to a device that has less storage space than your 60GB iPod.

    does the iphone sync with outlook ? if not: say good bye to the business market
    Did I miss the part of the keynote where Steve said this was aimed at the business market? :eek:

    the iphone not being out makes it even worse
    especially for the european market where it's still 1 year away and you can get UMTS phones _today_ .etc
    Think Nokia or SE will have something similar on the market in a year? :)

    Bobby Corwen
    Mar 17, 05:53 PM
    Peoplle hated Paris Hilton too and look how hot she was...

    Nov 24, 01:02 AM
    Last year the store was updated long after midnight.

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