Monday, May 30, 2011

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  • 26.2
    Mar 17, 10:46 AM
    Haaaaaaa just shared a launch day story, and the majority of you would have hauled ass with iPad in hand for the price I paid. Haters lmfao

    Wrong. I would have paid honest price and felt good about my purchase. You are a loser.

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  • bigandy
    Jan 9, 07:48 AM
    The expense is enormous (retail: 32GB SSD $250, 64GB SSD $1500 vs. $150 for a 2.5″ 250GB SATA hard drive)

    for apple, however, costs are substantially less for flash memory.

    with the amount of memory they purchase, they are about the only company that can introduce this at a respectable price, imo.

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  • tigress666
    Apr 25, 12:07 PM
    Resizing only means having to rewrite apps if the screen resolution changes -- especially if it changes by something other than a whole-number multiple (e.g. 1.5x versus 2x). All rumors indicate a 3.7-inch screen iPhone would have the same Retina-Display resolution (still maintaining over 300dpi).

    Technically their "Retina-Display" stuff is based also on typical viewing distance as well -- so a "Retina Display" iPad, iMac, or MacBook (assuming those are in the works) may not go as high as 300dpi. However, a Retina-Display iPad would like require the same pixel-doubling (2x) that was done for apps not optimized for the Retina Display until updates came that included higher-resolution graphics.

    Well, in that case, I'd be for it. It won't make me jealous of the 5 (I have a 4 and my contract doesn't run out til next year so no plans on a new phone til then), but I certainly wouldn't be complaining (where as I might if they made the phone bigger or messed up the form in some way to make it less usable or really ugly).

    It will be a nice extra when I get my "6" next year (that better have bigger storage by then, that and a faster processor is really all I really want/require out of my next iphone. Not that I would complain about extras other than those two things long as they didn't ruin the phone for what I like it for).

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  • dsnort
    Aug 1, 10:50 AM
    You want to see something really funny!. Look what happpens when you try to Access Sony's online music service on a Mac

    "We appreciate your interest in the Connect music store, but our store currently only works with Internet Explorer 5.5 and above. You don't seem to be using that particular browser at the moment, so, unfortunately, we'll have to part ways until we support the browser you're currently using or you upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer. Please click the Download link below if you'd like to upgrade now.
    Thank your for your interest in the Connect music store!"

    Upgrade to IE????? Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha. Those silly wabbits

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  • MacToddB
    Oct 11, 04:21 PM
    Pretty funny. One question though: obviously "there's a map for that" is a play-on-words for "there's an app for that." Isn't "there's an app for that" an Apple advertisement? Why take a shot at Apple with a similar phrase when Apple has nothing to do with AT&T's network? It's a clever line in the sense that it mocks another but it seems to miss the target.

    First, to most people, AT&T and Apple are joined at the hip. You can't get the iPhone without AT&T, in the U.S., at least officially. Secondly, it's a dig at Apple and maybe designed to pressure them into breaking the exclusivity deal to make their product look better.

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  • Stridder44
    Oct 11, 03:39 AM
    this is the new wireless protable speaker set from apple. isound. use new wirless ipod cinema, or through dock wireless adapter for 5g ipods and gen 2 nanos , to control the speakers while you move about freely with no wires attatched. isound bringing your music to you with out limits.

    Cuz the market needs another set of crappy speakers for iPods.

    I dig your effort, but try something different.

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  • MDMac
    Jan 6, 02:24 AM
    I can't wait! I'm having trouble sleeping nights... :p

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  • Abstract
    Sep 25, 05:09 PM
    Sorry, but Apple released Aperture BEFORE Adobe did the same with its it's easier to have a clone of Apple's app, not the opposite...:rolleyes:

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  • racebit
    Nov 16, 10:17 PM
    Indeed, this should be taken with the dash of salt it deserves... i.e. a tablespoon full

    hmm, maybe a truckload?

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  • longsilver
    Sep 12, 09:00 AM
    All new Macs have DL SD (well, all new Macs with SDs)...

    Is that true of the MacBook and the 15.4" MacBook Pro? I thought they didn't have DL.

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  • linux2mac
    Mar 25, 10:25 AM
    I was there at the beginning - in & out 3 times.

    OS X you've been the Apple of my eye since the beginning!

    Thanks for posting. Sadly back then I was in a Windows world working at a Fortune 100 Microsoft shop as a MS trained applications developer. I remember telling my college friend (that was responsible for my Mac conversion) that Macs weren't good for business when he asked me why I didn't use a Mac. Wow, did I ever drink the Windows Kool Aid! I should have switched back in 2000 instead of nine years later (Linux in '07' and Mac in '09').

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  • cybermiguel
    Nov 16, 09:59 PM
    who wants to run amd anyway?

    I would.

    You see...ATi's integrated graphics solution is WAAYY BETTER than Intel 945 integrated graphics solution, so, it would be the perfect match for a lowcost laptop: Turion CPU and an ATi chipset.

    Here's a page with some IGP benchmarks:

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  • Popeye206
    May 4, 07:51 AM
    There is a big difference between paying more for service that costs the carriers more and paying for a service/feature that doesn't cost the carriers everything.

    America is HUGE compared to Hong Kong to Europe so it costs the carriers far more to get coverage.

    What people seem to not get is that the "greedy carriers" are always under pressure to expand. Give better coverage. Faster connections like 4G and so forth. And they need to do this in a market where competition keeps driving the revenue down. So, as consumers, we want them to spend more and make less to give us reliable, fast service everywhere we go. On top of this, technologies on the internet are quickly eating away at their market. So many ways to communicate now it's eating away at their bottom line.

    So, the U.S.carriers are doing everything they can to get what they can to help support this. They are a business, and need to make money for their shareholders and so they can stay alive.

    Not saying I think it's right that they charge more for tethering, but it is what it is. They've been doing it for years and they're soaking it. But it does not mean it should not change.

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  • charliex5
    Apr 16, 01:15 AM
    Bad. I could do a rendering in Sketchup that would look more realistic than that.


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  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 07:50 AM
    i thought the event started at 7est

    10am San Francisco time. So 1pm East Coast, 6pm London, 3am Wednesday in Sydney.

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  • Blakeasd
    Apr 9, 08:44 AM
    I think I know why OS X has had less great features then previous versions. Scott Forstall was a big designer for Leopard and helped create some of the major Lion features like Time Machine. After Leopard Forstall was moved to the IOS team. Perhaps Mac OS X needs Forstall back.

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  • exspes
    Jan 13, 04:04 PM
    What I'm wondering is.. if Gizmodo never posted that video, would we have heard about it anyway? As in, would there be news stories saying "Pranksters hit CES hard by turning off displays"

    My guess is we wouldn't have heard anything of the sort.

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  • Nicolasdec
    Jan 9, 05:08 PM
    mine just says connecting

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  • ewinemiller
    Mar 26, 05:29 PM
    Not surprising. When I was in high school someone broke into our house stole a .22 pistol and a bunch of jewelry, also a pillow cover to carry it. Eventually the .22 turned up after they tried to hold up a convenience store. The thieves were friends with the family across the street.

    Lord Blackadder
    Aug 4, 11:41 AM
    We should have had electric cars for short-haul 20 years ago.

    Practical electric cars have been manufactured and sold for over 100 years. However, petroluem fueled cars have always offered longer range, more power, and generally lower cost. For short-haul runabouts the electric car has been available as an alternative almost as long as the car itself has existed.

    EDIT: The price-gouging on the Volt is highly unproductive. The point of the Volt is to build and sell a practical, affordable series hybrid - the MSRP is already very high, so the gouging just makes the car unattainably expensive.

    Mar 4, 11:07 AM
    Keep talking Veil, 2010 was just the 'coming attractions.'

    No- you keep talking, please. Please, we beg you to keep trying crap like this. It'll all but guarantee the Republicans' demise. Really, you could not self destruct more beautifully. You're not for freedom at all, just freedom for government and corporations to walk all over their workers. And since you never mentioned the anti-gay addition to this bill, I assume you're OK with that too.

    Jan 12, 06:49 PM
    who are you kidding? what part of iphone is not previously existed in technology? yay it has a nice UI, like all other apple products, but the hardware?

    remind me, again, what's revolutionary about iPhone?

    that they were able to put all that together and package it in a consumer friendly way

    May 3, 08:25 PM

    Apr 13, 12:53 PM
    When was the last time a European or Japanese plane were hijacked before 9/11? That's an ambiguous statistic. Nobody was hijacking planes before and nobody's hijacked planes since.
    1980s - Aer Ligus Dublin - London; Air France Frankfurt - Paris; Rio Airways Killen, Texas - Dallas, Texas; TWA Athens - Beirut; Egypt Air Athens - Cairo; Malev Hungarian Airlines Prague - ?? ;

    1990s - Lufthansa Frankfort - Cairo; FedEx flight Memphis - ??; Air Malta Malta - Turkey; All Nippon (domestic flight);

    I've only listed those flights that departed from a European (and one Japanese) airport.... not European airlines that departed from non-European airports. After 9/11 there were still a number of hijackings, but the closest they come to European departure points are Nicosia, and Tirana. Though there was one from a Mexican Airport and one from a Caribbean airport. The Mexican hijacking was by a man threatening a bomb, but I don't think they actually found one.

    Nobody hijacks Israeli planes either, and they're subject to much more terrorist attention than we are.
    I'm not sure of your point. But the Israelis use a different screening model, plus they need to look after only a handful of airports domestically. At airports internationally they screen passengers themselves after the local authorities have screened the passengers.... so everybody gets screened twice, and in two different ways.

    In fact, TSA has twice failed to stop a bomber on a plane since 9/11. Both the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber were stopped by passengers.

    TSA's measures aren't working, but a measure of common sense can easily mitigate the damage of someone smuggling a boxcutter or knife on to a plane.

    And how may people have the TSA found? And how many people have not even bothered to try, because they were afraid of getting caught?

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