Tuesday, May 31, 2011

anne hathaway

anne hathaway. Anne Hathaway Scandal:
  • Anne Hathaway Scandal:

  • usher
    Apr 15, 08:33 PM
    i just wondering why apple never consider about something unusual...:apple::o

    anne hathaway. anne hathaway. Anne Hathaway
  • anne hathaway. Anne Hathaway

  • gekko513
    Aug 2, 02:47 AM
    Lyra, your tone is condescending. Calling Scandinavian laws "perverted" tells us that you're single minded to begin with and that your points can't be taken seriously.

    I'll still address the point you make about the size of the Scandinavian market. The total population of the Scandinavian countries are 18.9 million. The total population of the USA is 296 million. The size of the Scandinavian market is only 6.4% of the size of the US market, but if Apple pulls out it's still lost income, potentially up to a couple of percent of what Apple makes in the US if you count loss of sales of music and the domino effect that will cause loss of sales of iPods and Macs.

    Of course Apple can survive without the Scandinavian market, but why give up potential profit for nothing except stubbornness?

    anne hathaway. Anne Hathaway Interview for
  • Anne Hathaway Interview for

  • roadbloc
    Mar 13, 04:34 AM

    The industry is undergoing a massive paradigm-shift, thanks to Apple

    No. A new market has been opened by Apple. That is as far as it goes. An iPad is not for everyone. Tablets will never kill off Laptops or Desktops or Servers.

    anne hathaway. Steal Anne Hathaway#39;s Style
  • Steal Anne Hathaway#39;s Style

  • Adidas Addict
    Apr 25, 01:36 PM
    I don't understand people who think the next iPhone should be called 4S (and some think 4GS, wth?)

    I think the reason why Apple called the current generation iPhone 4 because it's the 4th iPhone. Just because they tacked on an 'S' at the end of 3G doesn't mean the next should be 4S.

    And even if they DID call it the 4S, the iPhone after that would be iPhone 6, not 5...

    Don't you agree?

    If it keeps the same design/form factor it will be named the 4*/4** if it's a totally new design it will be iPhone 5.

    anne hathaway. Anne Hathaway Hairstyles
  • Anne Hathaway Hairstyles

  • Full of Fail
    May 3, 03:57 PM
    Considering communism is dependent on control of the resources so they can be equally doled out, it's not free and open. You're thinking of anarchy.
    Your username is appropriate. :rolleyes:

    I was referring to things that work in theory and not in practice. Now that you have me going about it though, communism is, in theory, open and in practice, not open. You are describing the practice of it, not the theory. Thanks for proving my point.

    anne hathaway. Anne Hathaway
  • Anne Hathaway

  • greenmeanie
    Apr 29, 01:21 PM
    If you click on the "IPAD" button you see it otherwise you wont even notice it.

    anne hathaway. Anne Hathaway Movies
  • Anne Hathaway Movies

  • dicklacara
    Jul 21, 11:38 AM

    Here's a post at another site that saya it best:

    bbrewer 1 hour ago
    2 people liked this.
    Antenna-gate was a non-issue to start with. If anything it may end up helping Apple meet demand at some point. Right now they are not able to make them fast enough anyway.

    The external antenna is great. You won't drop a call no matter how you hold it if you have a decent signal. If you are in a weak signal area, you might not even have a signal on another phone. Of the iPhone 4, if you have one bar, avoid touching the strip near the bottom of the left side. If you can tie your own shoes, you can probably manage this. Or get a (free) case. Gee, what a crisis.



    anne hathaway. ANNE HATHAWAY photo | Anne
  • ANNE HATHAWAY photo | Anne

  • killuminati
    Sep 7, 11:19 PM
    Phat Pat, I never really thought of it that way but it really makes sense. Everyone in the audience has heard curses before and its really become a part of modern music in most genres. When you think about it, it really shouldn't offend anybody there because everyones mature, there arent little kids there.

    Idno now that I think about it again it still seems kinda weird.

    anne hathaway. Anne Hathaway Mobile Wallpaper
  • Anne Hathaway Mobile Wallpaper

  • bloodycape
    Oct 11, 11:33 AM
    I kinda of find it odd that the Best Buy's Insignia player called the DVxG comes with bluetooth and ogg support. I have a few ogg files so that is key but bluetooth is not when I am looking to make my next video player purchase. But the surprising thing is the fact that a major brand generic like player has bluetooth and ogg support which is rare(separately but even more rare together).

    If Apple want to compete they should look at some of the Korean players specs to see what they need to compete with.

    anne hathaway. Tagged as: Anne Hathaway,
  • Tagged as: Anne Hathaway,

  • 63dot
    Mar 4, 10:43 PM
    Ironic that a western country with one of the highest levels of unionization, including public sector unions, and all the evil evil socialized stuff such as pensions, healthcare etc. has the highest growth rate, best unemployment rate and most balanced budget. Germany.
    Kinda defeats your argument, fivepoint. Also, considering the level of unionization, Germany has in percentage points double the industrial production jobs that the US does. And all these companies are world leaders in their segments.
    Americans are diluded if they think ultracon vulture capitalism will save them, it is exactly what got them into this mess to begin with.


    What you are talking about is tested true economics where a healthy and well paid workforce lends to a stronger economy. With the large number of workers with income to burn, then the economy circulates monies and has a built in consumer base.

    But take fivepoint's theory, which for a lack of better name, is laissez-faire economics and trickle down theory. On its face it makes sense to put the money into the hands of the educated and rich, and they will re-invest it back into society creating the most bang for the buck and the fastest pace of innovation possible. However, with human nature being that people (even rich people) want to hoard, then what we end up with is a stagnate economy with no turnover. Eight years of George W. Bush and his policies show this to be pretty obvious. Anybody who believes in the old trickle down theory is falling into the trap that it can work.

    I don't think government intervention, to the point of government micromanagement is a good thing, but I don't think the liberals are out to make that their goal. We need to strike a balance where business can operate and make a profit, but at the same time have a government, though limited, who can play more like a referee looking out for the best interests of the people. And it's the people who have the responsibility to vote if they don't like the government that is in place.

    America put in a lot of wet behind the ears tea party republicans, and this two year period is their time to shine while in the House. So far, they appear to be falling on their face. But I will give the GOP a chance and see if they can deliver on their promises and I will be willing to give them credit if they make headway yet fall short. We are in a tough economy.

    But the last thing we need to do in this recession is to blow the horn of trickle down economics knowing it didn't work with 8 years of the GOP recently in the White House, and with a 12 year run mostly in the 1980s which hiked up the deficit and failed miserably in its chief election promise of reducing the national deficit and sustain a long term growth of the economy. Jimmy Carter's spending was the GOP's main talking point and when the GOP made Jimmy look like a miser, then they had to fall on diversion tactics like abortion, family values, and religion when they realized their #1 talking point was a failure in practice.

    With so much confusion as to whether a republican is represented by a pro-business/big corporation plank or more of a small-government plank akin to some tea party politicians, I don't care what the House calls themselves as long as they get results. It's early yet but the GOP has started off this year in the world possible way.

    anne hathaway. ambassador Anne Hathaway
  • ambassador Anne Hathaway

  • twoodcc
    May 2, 10:16 PM
    well i think i finally got my home built system running at 4.0 ghz. it has been a long journey, to say the least. but it's folding away a bigadv unit and 2 GPUs. hopefully this will last all week since i'll be away

    anne hathaway. Anne Hathaway Shocked by
  • Anne Hathaway Shocked by

  • fortetfn
    Aug 16, 11:32 AM
    I received a 2A62XXX Display last week with a May production date. No idea whether it is an old or a new one. However, I did notice a few dead pixels last night after watching a movies. (The movie credits came with a black background. Great for dead pixel discovery!)

    By just looking at it, I noticed at least 4 dead pixels, some appeared stronger than others. They are all on the left half of the screen. Is this considered an acceptable or normal number of dead pixels? I am tempted to return it while I can. Any suggestions?

    Yes, you should definitely return it and get a new one. I can never accept any dead pixels. It is annoying to see them there. Call Apple and tell them that.

    anne hathaway. Anne Hathaway Anne Hathaway at
  • Anne Hathaway Anne Hathaway at

  • Rocketman
    Oct 28, 04:48 PM
    It's not necessarily illegal to run Darwin on non-Apple hardware, which is much of the goals of the OSx86 project. The source as it comes from Apple will only run on Apple hardware mainly due to EFI and some other stuff. The GUI is what seems to be so tied to the TPM circuitry, which is what OSx86 is NOT touching and why they say it's still legal.

    Maybe, but they explicitly mention TPM is available as a pirated item from bit torrent, and, the first high bandwidth mirror they added was located in CHINA, piracy central.

    It seems to me the point of the exercise from the point of view of the authors is to make a great hack. We can safely say they have accomplished that. They are now famous to a degree as well, even though they cannot spell worth a sh|t. At least they are stoned and insane :)

    The point of USERS of this, is to combine the legal hack with illegal TPM cracks, and combine them onto commodity hardware to run a MacOS environment without paying a dime to Apple whatsoever.

    Plenty of Apple high end software has been "cracked" so one can get it and use it for free if one is so inclined, or in the case of the Chinese, insulated from recourse by a sympathetic government.

    In the final analysis there is a vast number of people working hard to get past copyright and avoid paying the author for their work. That is illegal to some degree in every country, or at minimum, by treaty with the USA.

    I am not sure what tangible benefits have flowed to Apple by having the OS code as open source. It may be as simple as window dressing to attract developers who actually use Xcode anyway in the real world. But if there are any tangible benefits they have escaped my notice.

    Leopard will tightly couple TPM and do other tricks to further harden it, but somebody will crack it. If by no other means than by making a pirated ROM chip for hack motherboards.

    Meanwhile CPU sales are up 30%.


    anne hathaway. papparazzi anne hathaway
  • papparazzi anne hathaway

  • *LTD*
    Apr 11, 07:04 AM
    You are aware that the Core2Duo 'requirement' is because Lion is 64-bit, right?

    Excellent sig. ;)

    anne hathaway. Anne Hathaway at the Rachel
  • Anne Hathaway at the Rachel

  • rdowns
    May 6, 09:49 AM
    I believe this might LITERALLY be the first time I've ever read something from Lee, been impressed with it's depth, and not been saddened by the complete opacity of his partisan blinders.

    Very well said, sir. I agree, 100%

    A real piece of work. You have to insult even when you agree with someone. Were it me, I'd seek help.

    anne hathaway. ANNE HATHAWAY gt; PHOTO

  • zenio
    Mar 7, 01:32 AM
    It's Apple's philosophy. It comes down to building priorities around it and executing on them.

    Yes, it's Apples highly erratic priorities that are puzzling.

    Their extreme hypocrisy and superiority complex that causes them to go into denial in so many cases.

    They stonewall and refuse to operate in a candid & open way with customers. Instead they practice silently hiding as many of their issues as possible.

    Apples one true area of brilliance is their masterful art of marketing. In the finest example of typical American deceptive advertising, Apple describes their products as "magical & revolutionary".

    What a crock.

    They can't or won't even build a cool running MBP, after years on the market.


    anne hathaway. Anne Hathaway 450x675
  • Anne Hathaway 450x675

  • AHDuke99
    Apr 15, 12:29 PM
    It can't be all metal. Otherwise it will have some serious signal issues.

    anne hathaway. anne hathaway scandal photos.
  • anne hathaway scandal photos.

  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 16, 07:41 PM
    I'd have to disagree with that.

    A better statement would be your average user doesn't care about chip brand as long as the computer is relatively fast, and you get good battery life.

    if this does happen would apple finaly consider leting there Os's on ur standart hp compaqs etcs ?


    anne hathaway. of how Anne Hathaway looks
  • of how Anne Hathaway looks

  • powers74
    Apr 16, 02:55 PM
    its very Ugly


    looks like a rendering

    That's what I thought. Maxwell maybe. It produces that grainy look.

    It can't be all metal. Otherwise it will have some serious signal issues.

    Using aluminum would hinder the cellular reception wouldn't it ?

    The plastic apple, plus using the new MBP strategy of putting antennas at the openings should do fine.

    I call BS on this, Johnnie Ive wouldn't make a non rounded design like that, the lines are too harsh.

    Looks *just* like the iPad - well except the bevels leading from the corners to the back look a little unrefined, leading me to think it could be a rendering. other than that, looks pretty spot-on. Personally, I think they are going back to Alu.

    that's what i wish for....

    That's even closer.


    You have demonstrated you have no idea how perspective works.

    Seems correct to me.

    May 4, 04:10 PM
    To a user in a bright environment, it's a glare.

    Just turn the screen brightness up. Don't be such a baby.

    Even with the brightness on maximum, the iPad, which is a tablet, gets better battery life than most smartphones.

    May 4, 08:26 PM
    I'm certainly not worried about the people shooting at clay pigeons or paper cups.

    I'm concerned about the large number of deaths and injuries caused each year by firearms.

    31,224 deaths [2007 WISQARS (http://webappa.cdc.gov/sasweb/ncipc/mortrate10_sy.html)]

    66,769 non-fatal injuries [2009 WISQARS (http://webappa.cdc.gov/sasweb/ncipc/nfirates2001.html)]

    Sure, and I could easily find stats for deaths caused by automobiles and speeding.

    Maybe we need a law that prohibits the manufacture of vehicles capable of traveling more than 65 mph. After all the speed limit in most places is 65, a few places are 75.

    Sep 12, 01:26 AM
    don't think we're just getting Mickey Mouse and Daffy Duck movies

    Daffy Duck is from Warner, not Disney.

    Apr 27, 05:57 PM

    May I ask if you feel this feature has been useful so far. I really like the concept of a post rating. But I feel like this doesn't bring any real value to the MR community.



    Apr 29, 01:50 PM
    Everything and I mean *everything* is constantly being shared from these developer's builds. Check youtube. It is what it is. There are no killer features in iLion. Certainly nothing like going from Tiger to Leopard.

    Don't kid yourself. Lion's list of new features is much longer than Leopard's.


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