Monday, May 30, 2011

periodic table trends

periodic table trends. periodic table trends toas
  • periodic table trends toas

  • amin
    Oct 11, 10:37 AM
    Don't get your hopes up too high, since the iPod's screen is the same resolution as the Zune, it has better battery than the Zune and its thinner than the Zune.

    A bigger screen than the iPod's would be preferable, even without an increase in pixel count. A 320x240 video on my iMac display is far easier on the eyes than a 320x240 video on my iPod when both are set to the same brightness. Why? Because the iPod display is too damn small for long-term comfortable viewing.

    periodic table trends. recolor the periodic table
  • recolor the periodic table

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Mar 19, 07:05 PM
    How could you have it for ages? I think this guy is over exaggerating a little too much.

    You are the one exaggerating.

    Of course he didn't mean it literally. You have to get out more if you haven't heard this...

    periodic table trends. Questions – Periodic Table
  • Questions – Periodic Table

  • Dr Kevorkian94
    Dec 13, 02:07 PM
    Y would they make a verizon iPhone before July when they come out with a new one anyway. It's stupid I'm shure that they will come out with one when they always come out with them in JULY. They will make more money (maybe) if they do what they always do, unless apple is becoming like the driods and make a new one every month. Whatever the case may be this verizon rumor is getting pushed back and back

    periodic table trends. HSU periodic Table
  • HSU periodic Table

  • drsmithy
    Nov 17, 12:53 AM
    2. AMD is far superior. Right now Intel is in the lead, but it's not a true lead. For the longest time, AMD had the better architecture.

    "For the longest time" ? x86 CPUs did exist before the year 2000, you know.

    Intel had to do something, so they went back to the P3, tweaked it a little, and added some huge caches, and gave us a CPU modeled after a 6 year old (guessing here) CPU that ran at around the same GHZ speeds, but was faster.

    The P3 (which begat the Pentium M, which begat Core, which begat Core 2) was basically just a souped-up P2. A P2 was basically just a Pentium Pro with MMX and an off-die L2 cache (what Apple would later call a "backside cache").

    The Pentium Pro (Intel's first totally new x86 chip design since the 386) came out in 1995. So all your fancy new x86 Macs have a direct lineage to an Intel CPU over a decade old.

    Personally I think it's a credit to Intel that the PPro has scaled from a massive, hot, "slow" 150Mhz server CPU all the way through low-power dual-core laptop chips up to a top-end quad-core CPU. AMD has been through three new CPU designs in the same timeframe and only been unquestionably faster for maybe 50% of it.


    periodic table trends. Periodic Table Trends - Task
  • Periodic Table Trends - Task

  • snebes
    Dec 13, 11:57 AM
    Is this the same Verizon LTE network that takes about 2 minutes to handshake between the LTE and 3G network?

    Yeah, that isn't happening.

    periodic table trends. Periodic Table with Electron
  • Periodic Table with Electron

  • sotorious
    May 2, 09:44 AM
    How is this going to work for Verizon users im on 4.3.7 if im not mistaken...

    edit scratch that its 4.2.7 and i just went into settings and it says carrier settings update if i click not now or update now will it do it Over the Air?


    periodic table trends. periodic table4Figure from
  • periodic table4Figure from

  • cyclotron451
    May 4, 03:17 AM
    but this was 2 decades ago, just as Mobile Telecoms was taking-off. We had the situation that we were profitable (enormously profitable) with just 100 customers - the other 50 million customers were an annoyance. Any expensive hardware that we introduced - transatlantic fibre cables, digital cross-connect switches etcetera paid for themselves very quickly and after that the revenue was just pure profit. The 'phone companies seem to have developed a liking for this 'free money' business model?

    I have iPhones and Android, I chose Nexus One for the *real* open Google philosophy. It does WiFi tethering under 2.3.3, my operator Italian Vodafone seems to allow tethering under my 500MB/week for 3 Euros (2Gig for $17US/mo), although if I signed up today for the same deal I'd only be offered 250MB/week for 3 Euros - and my colleagues who have put an I-Vodafone GSM sim in an iPad report that it refuses to connect and demands an individual iPad exclusive data contract. $$$

    I think in a few years internet connectivity will be seen as an essential worldwide civil right, and hopefully there will be a balanced debate about access costs and pluralistic supply options?

    periodic table trends. periodic table of elements
  • periodic table of elements

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 16, 04:45 PM
    Your only role models should be the ones your personally know. Teaching "gay history" is more about promoting homosexuality than helping children.

    I'll put that down to your youthful inexperience. I find your views on this subject at best bizarre.

    It's clear that the education system has failed in at least one case.


    periodic table trends. Periodic Table Trends
  • Periodic Table Trends

  • rdowns
    Apr 21, 12:05 PM
    Could have been worse guys, they could have put in a Facebook "Like" button. :D

    periodic table trends. periodic. Trends in Group 2
  • periodic. Trends in Group 2

  • iGary
    Nov 16, 08:00 AM
    I threw up in my mouth a little bit� for a month with the Intel switch.

    I may have to hospitalized if this actually happens.


    periodic table trends. Periodic Table 1.0: Periodic
  • Periodic Table 1.0: Periodic

  • JoeG4
    Mar 19, 04:27 PM
    On this note, I thought I'd point out that I hate it when Mac users give me **** for using a Sony laptop when I have more Macs then they've ever owned. :D

    periodic table trends. periodic table trends.
  • periodic table trends.

  • evilgEEk
    Jan 15, 12:36 AM
    Wow. Are they 14 years old?

    Seriously, I remember doing something like this back in junior high school with one of those giant remote control watches.

    But that was when I was 14 years old; this is just ridiculous, and not funny in the least. Way to show some professionalism. I truly hope they suffer for this.

    I really am baffled that "adults" would find this funny.



    periodic table trends. periodic table trends.
  • periodic table trends.

  • scotthew1
    Nov 23, 06:10 PM
    will the sale discounts be added in with outher discounts, such as educator's discounts?

    periodic table trends. periodic-table trend
  • periodic-table trend

  • QCassidy352
    May 3, 11:01 PM
    IMO, until the ipad gets this, which is entirely possible, it will remain more of a toy than a tool, and all these commercials will be nothing but fodder for the haters.

    there's nothing wrong with toys, and this is a nice one, but these lines about doctors, CEOs, etc., are just plain ridiculous.

    Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and yours is wrong.
    -Dave Barry


    periodic table trends. Periodic Table Classic 3.8B
  • Periodic Table Classic 3.8B

  • Bubba Satori
    Mar 28, 03:50 PM
    What exactly is a 'hater'? Someone that disagrees with the company line? Someone with a dissenting opinion?

    Yes, it's the new iToy double think paradigm.
    Think Different has been replaced by Don't Think At All, Hater. :rolleyes:
    Sad, what long term koolaid abuse does to the gray cells.
    What's hilarious is the preemptive timing of the hating predictions.
    Poor, feeble minded bois must be constantly trembling in fear.
    Not even Pavlov's dog drooled before the bell rung.
    Scary iZombies are scary.

    "Don't think haters. Agree with glorious leader."

    periodic table trends. Periodic Table
  • Periodic Table

  • gceo
    Apr 15, 05:58 PM
    I thought this was the new iPhone HD:

    Now if that's fake, they did a damn good job. (and have a ton of time on their hands)

    On a related note, does anyone know how to embed a YT video in a post?


    periodic table trends. Periodic+table+trends+
  • Periodic+table+trends+

  • Anuba
    Jan 12, 07:44 PM
    Welcome to America. We're just now getting 3G (in regards to GSM networks, anyhow).

    So I'm told, but A) 3G phones are backwards compatible with old GSM networks. Mine switches between 3G/regular GSM constantly when I'm at home, as I live very close to a base station but far from the nearest 3G mast. Hence they should just stick a 3G 'sleeper cell' in there for (near) future use... and B) I respect that Apple is an American company, but they peddle their stuff all across the globe. Every little itty bitty iPod has 21 languages built in. When Apple Store closes down for maintenance it happens simultaneously all across the globe, and when it pops back online again the new products are available in all countries. Never in Apple's history have I seen them do something as US-centric as this - heck, we're not getting it until 2008! Strange, pretty damn alienating, and it had better not become a habit.

    periodic table trends. periodic table with charges
  • periodic table with charges

  • likemyorbs
    Apr 25, 04:30 PM
    I won't watch the video because i'm faint of heart, i even had to close my eyes for half of American History X (everyone should watch that movie btw). But this is really messed up that the employees not only did nothing but encouraged it. I would have punched one of those nasty little teenage bitches in the face.

    Dear McDonalds: Boom. You just lost a whole lot of customers.

    That's not fair. It's not the company's fault. It's called individual responsibilities and these employees should be fired.

    periodic table trends. periodic table trends.
  • periodic table trends.

  • TheMacBookPro
    Mar 19, 11:46 AM
    I've never, ever had a conversation about my phone with a random person in the street - let alone conduct comparison tests.

    I'm guessing from your thread that you porbably love the iphone a bit too much... Get out and enjoy the world. Perhaps leave the phone at home!


    Oh please! I think that statement would be better targeted at the people who engage in this childish behaviour. I was just the recipient, also they weren't total strangers, but they weren't people that I know either.

    Also, quite a few people in this thread say that these phones are the same price, well one of the main points of one of these guys was that he paid �100 for his brand new Desire and is on a �18 a month contract. In all honesty, that is a lot cheaper than any iPhone deal out there.

    You're the one who took the time out of your day to start this thread and respond, lol.

    This, actually, is my biggest concern: That Apple will just be smug enough to think they don't need to do anything with the design.

    They did that with the iPhone and the touch and they're going to do it again. When is the question.

    Oct 3, 05:28 PM
    God, I hope the Macbook Pros get updated before Macworld, but honestly Macworld is only 90 days away...

    I will drink to that!

    Apr 27, 11:17 AM
    I still think it would help us if you described, at a high-level, what it is you are trying to accomplish.

    From what I can gather you want a countdown timer: a label that shows the seconds remaining, along with two buttons, one to start the countdown and one to cancel it. After the Start button is tapped, the label will start showing the seconds counting down. If the Cancel button is tapped, the countdown stops and is reset, so that if you tap Start again it begins back at 60 seconds. Is that correct?

    If so, I think you need to be aware that a countdown-timer and NSTimer are very different things.

    Mar 17, 11:51 AM

    Nope, because I left LSU with my character intact.

    u mad?

    Jan 12, 12:19 AM
    Steve Jobs has earned the right to be smug, you however, have not.

    ha, that was pretty good. and true really...

    they didn't release iwork and ilife probably b/c of Amazon putting it up on their website early

    Apr 29, 03:12 PM
    And people kept telling me that OSX and iOS weren't going to merge in any meaningful manner for years ahead, if ever. Yeah right. I'd bet the one after this has them nearly fully merged and I mean towards iOS for the most part. OSX will be dumbed down to the lowest common brain cell and you won't be able to get free/open software anymore. It'll have to come through the App Store or not at all. Wait and see. That is the point I'll be moving on.

    Thumbs up to you, man. I'll be passing the Lion for some flavour of Linux as well.

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