Tuesday, May 31, 2011

40s and 50s hairstyles

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  • quagmire
    Nov 14, 09:39 PM
    Mowing down thousands of civilians for now reason.
    Getting killed in the second mission.

    I didn't know terrorists had reasons to kill people. :p Again, you were trying to earn Makarov's trust. As controversial as that mission is, I think people are reading too much into it. It's a game and obviously that controversy brought it publicity( simply because parents didn't want their precious 8 year olds playing a game like MW2).

    You got killed on that mission because Sheppard betrayed you and told Makarov that you were an American leaving a perfect scapegoat and reason for Russia to invade the US. I don't find that ludicrous at all.

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  • rorschach
    Apr 29, 03:56 PM
    Actually scrollbars look and behave exactly the same as they did before.

    Whether they automatically hide or not is a preference, it has been since the first DP:


    Same with reverse scrolling. Nothing at all has changed about scrolling or scrollbars.

    40s and 50s hairstyles. Hairstyles of the 40s,50s
  • Hairstyles of the 40s,50s

  • Surely
    Apr 6, 11:31 PM
    I just ordered this cable for my 2011 Soul so that I can access my iPhone's iPod through the steering wheel controls/stereo (iPod menu displays on the stereo). It also charges the iPhone/iPod. The dealer charges $60........ $29.99 on Amazon.:rolleyes:


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  • Chris Bangle
    Oct 14, 09:04 AM
    Im hoping and I think that there will be a new ipod by december.. but lack of ipods at a retailer doesnt signify anything... John Lewis and Amazon every so often run very low on stock, but releases never follow. An example of this, which I mae a big fus about was during either WWDC or the hi-f1 launch, or probably both when shipping dates were 4 weeks or somthing.... But there were no updates...

    Also I think that apple will sell the full screen one alongside the 30/80gb ones, so there will be no reson for the lack of 30/80gbs... The fullscreen one wont replace the present one.


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  • xUKHCx
    May 6, 02:15 AM
    With IE 8 if I vote it get kicked back to the main forum page, if I press back I get the first error message below, the forum isn't displayed. If I then reload the page nothing happens and after a while I go to close the tab and the second error message appears.

    It sometimes affects other forum pages I go to but will usually clear up after a while. I just have to remember not to vote while I am on IE8.


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  • minnesotamacman
    Sep 12, 08:06 AM
    Think they will close the store this morning to update the laptop line??? or will they do it when they close the store during the live session?


    40s and 50s hairstyles. Timeline Tuesday: 40s and 50s
  • Timeline Tuesday: 40s and 50s

  • mrkramer
    Mar 4, 08:47 AM
    Most importantly, without thuggish unions, good teachers like my wife would make far more money than they do today, while the bad ones would make less or be fired.

    So why is your wife part of the Union? Why doesn't she listen to your wise ideas and go make more money in a private school? If she's really a good teacher then she should be able to according to your logic.

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  • rockthecasbah
    Sep 7, 10:02 PM
    And he sucked.
    here here! kanye is garbage like 97% of rap / hip hop currently out.


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  • MacBoobsPro
    Jan 5, 03:41 PM
    it would be great if apple would put up a video feed of the keynote live.

    If it was live you wouldnt get all the split screen editing etc. It would be quite a linear and boring presentation.

    Editing the feed can give emphasis to certain aspects and also cut out anything that goes wrong.

    40s and 50s hairstyles. Rockabilly Hairstyle
  • Rockabilly Hairstyle

  • gkarris
    Oct 17, 10:39 AM
    Given the same quality decoding hardware, for most movies they shouldn't see any difference at all. Both support the same codecs (MPEG-2, h.264, and VC-1). The first Blu-Ray discs were encoded using MPEG-2, which produced a lower quality image than the VC-1-encoded HD-DVD discs, but newer Blu-Ray discs are using VC-1 as well. The picture should be identical between the two.

    The only case I could see where the capacity would affect it would be for longer movies like Lord of the Rings, where the encoded video plus lossless audio may reach the boundaries of HD-DVD. We could conceivably see more compression artifacts or the dropping of higher-resolution audio or commentaries on HD-DVD in these cases, whereas Blu-Ray would have more space. But this shouldn't affect most titles.

    Doesn't matter if they are now using the same codec. People's displays are messed up (component vs HDMI, version of HDMI, is the resolution REALLY 1080p?) as well as the players. As far as I'm concerned, the whole thing's messed up....

    I posted this in this forum:


    "Wow, I went online to see the pros and cons of each format. When someone posts a pro/con of one system, they post the rebuttle of it on the other....

    Like, I heard that Blu-Ray only has MPEG-2 right now, but it is capable of MPEG-4 and studios backing both formats will start releasing Bluray in MPEG-4 since they have to encode the movie in that for HD-DVD anyways.... what about the current Bluray titles?

    I heard that Sony does have the dual layer Blurays available, and hybrid DVD/BD available also...

    I saw a post of a guy online who actually hooked up his Samsung to a massive HP 60"(?) monitor that actually takes 1080p/24 scan signal (I guess a lot of TVs will take only 1080i and will upscale it to 1080p inside the TV) and he says Bluray is great! Do people actually have this sort of monitor?

    Then, there's this whole 1080p/24 discs and if you want 1080p/60 Bluray has to take 1080p/24 go to 1080i/60 then to 1080p/60... what?

    Then, I heard that the HD-DVD players if you have a 720p set that the player will take a 1080i disc, down it to 480p, then up it to 720p. They recommend to make the player output 1080i and have your set take it down to 720p (which my projector won't do, it just takes any signal you give it and shows that).

    Wow, I'm now sooooo confused, I'm going to watch my Laserdiscs and Betamax for a while....."


    40s and 50s hairstyles. 50s pin up hairstyles. 1940S
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  • gnasher729
    Oct 2, 05:06 PM
    This isn't a consumer-end hack, it is a retailer-end re-implementation of Fairplay (presumably clean room) for interoperability purposes (legal in Europe, I don't know about the USoA since the DMCA etc).

    The DMCA would have nothing to do with this. This doesn't remove any copy prevention, it adds it. I just can't see what anyone would want to do with this technology. The only scenario that makes sense: If you are a music band without any record contract, and the iTunes Music Store refuses to sell your music, you could use software like this to add Fairplay DRM to your music, and you could offer the music on your webpage and sell it to anyone who uses iTunes - which would be about 90 percent of all people who are interested in music and computers at all. Of course you could sell the music without any DRM.

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  • Ryeno
    May 3, 05:15 PM
    You are paying to use data on your mobile device. If you want to use it to link up other devices, there is a separate service for that.

    This is not exactly brain surgery here.

    thank god you are not a brain surgeon. This is no different then paying for internet @ home and getting a modem (cell phone) that only allows connection to one PC (cell phone). Then being forced to pay an extra fee just to split the signal to another PC (use a router in this example).


    40s and 50s hairstyles. 50s and 60s hairstyles.
  • 50s and 60s hairstyles.

  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Sep 28, 01:24 PM
    Thats not apart of what a home should be. Homes are for eating, sleeping, loving, and relaxing. A screening room is for... Well, none of those.

    I 100% agree

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  • wlh99
    Apr 27, 02:44 PM
    Target is the object that the message is going to execute isn't it. For example, if it's self, that means that those parameters are for the timer object you just created. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not trying to challenge your knowledge, just to learn as I go.

    If you see my code before, I'm using NSDate for my timePicker. One favor, I'm not answering more quiz questions, I get your point.. I still need to learn more fundamentals.. I get it, just please contribute with the thread to find solutions or not.. (there are many Professional Forums).

    If this were a "Professional Forum" I would just give you an answer. I want to know what you do and do not know, so I can help you learn it. So please don't take the questions as condescending, they will help us help you.

    Think of objects as people, so to speak. Not only is the NSTimer an object, but so is your viewcontroller. So are the buttons. These objects know how to do things. These things they know how to do are methods. A message is an instruction for an object to do something.

    cancelIt: is a method in your viewcontroller object, as are all the methods we have discussed. Then self would refer to the viewcontroller, not the timer. Self would refer to the timer if you had access to apples code that implemets the timer and you were modifiying that.

    So a target is the object you are sending a message to. The message is the name of the method you want the object to execute.

    [aTimer invalidate]; // tells the timer pointed to by aTimer to execute the invalidate method

    When you press a button, a message is sent. The target and method are chosen when you make the connection in Interface Builder. In your case, the target is your viewcontroller, and the method is one of the start or cancel methods.

    I asked the question becasue it is fundamental to what an NSTimer is/does.

    An NSTimer sends a message to an object at regular intervals.

    In your case, the NSTimer is telling your viewcontroller to execute the echoIt: every second. The important part is that your viewcontroller is an object, echoIt: is something your viewcontroller is doing (not the timer). You only have one viewcontroller, so anything it stores (for example seconds) will persit for any NSTimer you create.

    Now look at the NSTimer documentation:


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  • Jo-Kun
    Sep 25, 06:31 PM
    hmm I might consider to give it a try afterall...

    when it came out my G5 was rejected (only because of the stock graphics card) there was a testing app to see if you could run it before you buy the actual program... and since a new card would set me back some extra � and aperture was at that time at the high price... I passed... now it supports my system, so maybe I'll ge it (first I'll do a testrun at my local shop where I buy my camera's... they told me not to buy V1... and said the latest was very much improved, and now there is another new version ;-))

    40s and 50s hairstyles. 50s hair styles
  • 50s hair styles

  • Mr. Retrofire
    Apr 11, 06:24 AM
    -Lion has Arabic support. They're targeting the Middle East.

    Even Mac OS 8.1 had arabic support. That was 1998.


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  • FriarNurgle
    Apr 8, 01:59 PM
    I realize this is a rumor site, but posting conflicting rumors in the same day is getting obnoxious. Is there ANY fact checking at all?

    We are part of the news (rumor) process. It's kinda fun seeing stuff like this develop.

    40s and 50s hairstyles. 50s wedding hairstyles
  • 50s wedding hairstyles

  • tveric
    Oct 3, 01:51 AM
    All this talk is great. Only on macrumors can you see so many people ignoring the 800 lb. gorilla in the room - namely, the fact that a huge majority of users still get their music from sources other than buying it online. 83% don't buy music at least once a month from the itms. 5% of the music on ipods is from the store.

    I know it's the in thing in these forums to profess love for the itms, and curse its competitors and would-be hackers, but the fact is, the store exists for one reason - to give Apple a legitimate entity to point to when the RIAA accuses it of producing devices that encourage piracy - namely, iPods. Don't get me wrong - I love that they did that, and the success of the store ensures I will be able to buy DRM-free mp3 players for quite some time.

    But don't kid yourself into thinking that reverse-engineering of the Fairplay tech will make a rip of difference one way or the other. In case you haven't noticed, it's already easy to get DVD-quality movies and TV shows online for free. Yes, yes, I know, that's illegal, and we're all going to get sued by the MPAA and the RIAA and NCAA and AARP. Just let me know when I should actually start worrying about it.

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  • 50s and 60s hairstyles. Great Hairstyle for 50s and; Great Hairstyle for 50s and. abrooks. Aug 15, 05:19 PM. You wish to create an email with HTML code and

  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Aug 2, 05:21 AM
    Oh I don't know, just about everything? It is this insecurity thing again isn't it? Insecurity...? The only thing I'm insecure about at the moment is whether you are for real or just trolling... :confused:

    The fewer the people in a nation, the easier it is to say they are the best or the worst in certain things. Get it?Who says we're best at anything. It's not a contest... :rolleyes:

    Up here in the Nordic countries we're a small, fairly uniform, very rich, well-educated (to a degree - pun intended), technological advanced population. The marked might be small, but it's still a nice little marked.

    Do you honestly see Apple pull out of a similar marked, let say New Your city, just because an unresolved quarrel with the local government...?

    Apr 5, 02:21 PM
    My friend got back to me, and here's what he said:

    "I am very familiar with the Xbox support scenario, and I can tell you that a call center agent would have no idea about the last IP address of a Xbox Live user. If Microsoft chose to log and aggregate this information, its currently not exposed for any support use. I'd recommend that he call Microsoft and have them disable the Live account, and file an insurance claim for the hardware and cut his losses."

    Mar 17, 05:53 PM
    Oh my god... you jealous people always find a way to criticize someone... Seriously, this forum disgusts me sometimes.

    Mar 4, 03:01 PM
    Not only that, the "hand up vs. hand out" crap is truly mesmerizing. How can anyone that even utters that phrase take themselves seriously? :confused:

    Really? You don't believe in that whole 'teach a man to fish' crap?
    I suppose you also think the solution to African starvation is sending them bags of rice, corn, wheat w/out teaching them to plant some?

    Aug 15, 12:16 PM
    I just bought the 23 inch several days ago. My serial is 2A6251XXXXXX and it shows up with a june 2006 production date. Like the earlier poster, it is very bright and I also turned it down a little. I also turned the color down to Thousands instead of Millions as a psychological trick for when i need it. Now after reading the pink hue replies (which i totally forgot about) I can't tell if i have a pinkish hue or if its my own paranoia.

    1. Does anyone have a pic or example of the Pinkish hue?

    2. Is there a way to test or tell which 23" model you have?l

    May 3, 04:14 PM
    They are offering you more bandwidth to use a higher bandwidth service like tethering.

    The consideration is very clear. Thanks for quoting the premise for contract law, but claiming there is no consideration there is ridiculous.

    People who tether use more bandwidth, so the cost associated with their usage is more expensive. The carriers can either charge those people for tethering or they can raise the price for EVERYONE.

    They choose to charge the people who tether. It is a perfectly reasonable choice on their part.

    Hey a cable line comes into my house with all the channels on it. I can just jimmy off a filter and get all the channels without paying any more. They are already delivering it to my house, why can't I just get all of them since they are there anyways and I am paying for cable right?

    You are not paying for tethering unless you are paying for tethering. The math is simple. People who tether use more bandwidth. Wireless providers set their data prices based on AVERAGE usage. Tethering makes the average usage go up, so the revenue to cover those costs has to come from somewhere.

    So they can either charge EVERYONE more or charge the people who tether more.. Again they choose the later.

    I'd agree with you that there may be consideration with unlimited data plans as you might be using your phone outside the scope of what they initially envisioned when they offered you unlimited data, but those are largely a thing of the past now.

    With regards to tiered pricing, what you're suggesting is that you're not entitled to the data you paid for should you choose to use some of it for tethering. If you paid for 2 GB a month, you can damn well get 2 GB a month. 2 GB a month was the consideration they offered you. It's none of your concern if the carrier sold it to you with the assumption that you'd only use 500 MB a month. They can't charge you more because your tethering makes you more likely to approach the 2 GB cap they offered you. You aren't legally obligated to pay twice for that same 2 GB of consideration if you want to use a tethering app.

    Any concerns carriers have with bandwidth use can be addressed through their data plans, which they have full control of. They are not within their rights to start dictating what apps can or can't access data on your phone. Even if tethering apps generate a lot of data use, charging specifically for tethering is just a stopgap for a larger problem with their data plan pricing structure. Tethering apps are just one type of many high bandwidth apps. Are they going to start charging for all of them? Do you think that's reasonable?

    Today your wireless ISP charges extra for tethering, tomorrow it will charge extra to access Netflix, and perhaps later on, your local ISP will want in on the action and start charge per device connected to your router. This segmented path of internet service is not a path I want to go down. The moment data becomes more than just data, and becomes data by application or use, is the day that consumers lose.

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