Tuesday, May 31, 2011

justin bieber hot pics 2011

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  • liketom
    Sep 12, 07:21 AM
    can we confim the what countrys itunes stores are down ?

    usa/uk ...

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  • Ichneumon
    May 3, 11:31 PM
    The reason why I didn't buy an Ipad yet. I would only browse on Safari and play games. Something that is available on my Macbook Pro.

    But have you actually *touched* the internet before? Browsing the internet is a really magical experience on the iPad. ;)

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  • BC2009
    Apr 25, 11:53 AM
    I prefer the look of this to the mockup that Josh Topolsky did on thisismynext.com -- probably because I like the look of the iPhone 4. I am ready for this device to ship since I gave my iPhone 3gs a nasty drop on concrete garage floor about a month ago -- the screen is fine, but the GPS no longer works. It's gonna be hard waiting until September.

    Still, I doubt the validity of the photos until some information is provided as to how these were obtained.

    I am a bit bummed at recent reports that QualComm's 4G/GSM/EVDO-RevA combo chip won't be ready until 2012 -- I was kinda hoping for LTE in the next iPhone -- and there is no way Apple will do an iPhone that would run through its battery in 3.5 hours (not that I would want such a device anyway).

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  • MacFan1957
    Jul 21, 10:35 AM
    What upsets me more is the backlash from those companies denying the issue altogether - denying an issue that these videos and others clearly show. Shouldn't this denial be more worrisome?

    Well said! A lot of the "haters" claim that Apple is in denial here but they are the only phone maker to admit to this problem!

    The really funny part is that most of these phones tell you in black and white and in their manuals not to touch the phone in certain places and yet they still claim that is not the case! I don't know, maybe they don't read their own manuals? ;-)


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  • caspersoong
    Apr 29, 09:07 PM
    Will the Macbook Air 2011 get it? Hope so.

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  • amols
    Sep 12, 12:25 AM
    If it's just Disney, then there's not much point. The reason iTMS succeeded from the start was that it was simple and it had the largest library from which you could purchase single songs. If the iTunes Movie store starts with just Disney movies, then it's dead in the water. Let's just hope that ThinkSecret is wrong again, as usual.

    It's a start. What's tricky is the execution itself. Other studios will join the bandwagon like they did with music store.


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  • rowanhall
    Oct 3, 12:23 PM
    ho hum... just a quarter of a year to go... :)

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  • starstreak
    Jul 21, 06:40 PM
    Ok yeah,yeah whatevers Apple. You need to do a hardware fix. Quit pointing fingers. Because unless you can tell me, the other phones in question sold 3million AND told their users that their phone is awesome cuz they made the attenna better, you're not gonna get me to stop thinking Apple is da bomb.


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  • iSee
    Jan 14, 01:03 PM
    These are my predictions:

    Macbook Nano:
    12" Multitouch Screen
    32gb Solid-state hard disk
    3G mobile connectivity for wireless internet access
    8 hour battery
    Simply a tablet (eg. Macbook cut in half); Apple Style
    Mac OS X leopard Multi-touch Edition

    That's just what I was thinking (except no 3G--that would require getting a mobile operator involved. *maybe* as an option).

    I think it will be based on the iPhone/Touch version of OS X, so no optical drive, period. Software is installed through iTunes (yeah, you are expected to have another Mac). However, media will synch wirelessly, AppleTV-style.

    I'm also thinking the screen might be a little smaller. It's going to be light enough to hold and hand to someone else with one hand, even for pretty small people. Also, it *will* be called MacBook Air (sorry--I'm predicting, not saying what I *want* to see).

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  • raleigh1208
    Nov 25, 02:10 AM
    Discounts no longer show up, so the sale is over. Hope everyone got a bargain. I didn't really see very many serious bargains. I bought the Airport Express for $88. But the main deals were not that great. They may have tempted some folks walking in the stores to buy a Macbook or ipod, or tempted those already waiting for those items. After paying sales tax, the discount was not that great, and serious bargain hunters could probably have done better at other resellers. But a buck's a buck, so here's to those who bought today and saved a few bucks!


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  • Nekbeth
    Apr 26, 08:44 PM
    is that last code enough info balamw?

    Satisfying?, well that's pretty much impossible if you ask me. People have their own standards, some are satisfied with you understanding the basic language, some others just want to read perfect code or hear perfect English and can't tolerate a miss step.

    I say show what you got (even it's a poor language) and follow your needs because you can never satisfy people expectations. Soon or later, you'll talk as good or better than them. It's only matter of will, time and patience.

    I know they are all trying to help, but there are ways to tell people what they lack, and those ways are what make all the difference.

    You can point out an error and give solution (sorry, "find solutions") or you can tell that person to quit what he's doing because he has no idea. It's a lot easier to say, go read Apples documentation than to point out an error and explain it yourself.

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  • justin bieber hot pics 2011.

  • turtlebud
    Aug 7, 03:54 PM
    price drop = good, improved specs = good, but i think they could have done better. i see the ACD as a premium monitor so I think they should at least be comparable a similar dell (in terms of specs). If you're looking for a 30", then the ACD is now a very good deal ($1999 vs $2149 and the specs are a little better on the ACD). Personally, I'm looking into the 23/24" monitor (though I wouldn't mind the 30". Here's what I see:

    Dell - 24", 0.270 mm, 450 cd/m�, 1000:1, 16 ms, $879 (on sale right now for $747)
    Apple - 23", 0.258 mm, 400 cd/m�, 700:1, 14 ms, $999 ($899 through edu store)

    The price drop and improved specs are good, but it's too bad that they don't match or exceed the dell monitors in all categories - maybe I'm just expecting too much. Oh well, a guy can dream right?


    justin bieber hot pics 2011. justin bieber hot pics 2011.
  • justin bieber hot pics 2011.

  • JKK photography
    Apr 12, 06:48 AM
    That's not entirely true. When you buy a new mac you get iLife, with a new PC, you get office, windows live suite (ilife competitor), other apps including anti-virus. So you can't say that "ou can't do absolutely anything with Windows out of the box without downloading extra software."

    You get the same or similar level of functionality when buying a new computer. Apple gives you iLife, PCs you get office, and other stuff.

    You get trials. Not actual copies, unless you pay for the license.

    There is a big difference there.

    justin bieber hot pics 2011. Justin Bieber Hot
  • Justin Bieber Hot

  • JAT
    May 4, 10:54 PM
    The iPad is soo ultimate in access, that you can't even access its file system...

    ...and the only professional work being done on iPads in meetings are trying to get to the last level in Angry Birds LOL
    Aww, does the iPad scare you? See, bullies that take their **** out on others are just scared because someone is already doing it to them. It's sad, really. I pity bullies.

    We should get some kittens for you.


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  • justin bieber hot pics 2011.

  • DoFoT9
    May 15, 05:47 PM
    thanks. are you sure it will work from the login screen?

    oh you have a login screen. only logmein.com will work with that. the others will being on logon.

    maybe implement a two-tier system? :D

    justin bieber hot pics 2011. justin bieber hot pics 2011.
  • justin bieber hot pics 2011.

  • andy89
    Jan 12, 04:15 PM
    I hope they sell it sim-free. I like the iphone, but not the phone part.

    The whole '30 years is just the beggining' thing got me excited.
    ...and then the iphone. Thats a bit dissapointing.


    justin bieber hot pics 2011. justin bieber hot pics 2011.
  • justin bieber hot pics 2011.

  • JRoDDz
    Mar 17, 08:53 AM
    Bull. I had a girlfriend in high school get fired from OfficeMax for being $100 off where she had been working for almost a year. Unfortunately some guy came in that day, paid for two computers and a printer with $100 bills (total was something like $2500, as this was the late 90's). She counted it twice, but apparently one was missed. Corporate policy stated that she could only be off by less than $5 at the end of her shift.

    She didn't pocket the money and her manager knew that she didn't, but she still lost her job. Company policy.

    Would I like to get an iPad for half price? Absolutely, but ONLY if it was because the company was selling it for half price. I pay what I am supposed to pay.

    It's ok. The original poster isn't worried about his fellow man. He's just happy that he got a discounted iPad. This is the reason this country is going down the crapper. Nobody cares about anyone else. Stick it to the man. yeah so what if this kid got fired. It's all about me me me. :(

    justin bieber hot pics 2011. justin bieber hot pics 2011.
  • justin bieber hot pics 2011.

  • drakino
    Mar 24, 03:08 PM
    10 years ago is when I became interested in the Mac again. Went to a reseller for the release party, tinkered with it, and dug into the Unix side. Made friends with the owner, and a few months later I bought a used iMac.

    Still remember the countdown on Apple.com for the release. Up till then, I had been reading about it a lot, but never had hands on time with the public beta.

    Should dig out the G4 Cube and boot 10.0 for fun tonight. Once I get past the blinding pinstripes, should be interesting to look back to see how far the OS has come.

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  • quagmire
    Nov 14, 10:37 PM
    Actually a crappy story is held against many movies, tv shows, books, and etc. That's why we call them crappy and they fail. Case in recent point, the drubbing that Skyline is getting, besides it's spectacular trailer. It looks good, but it came in fourth in movies this week, and word of mouth may make that as high as it goes. The complaint? Weak stories, characters, and a truly stupid & frustrating ending.

    Like I said, most movies, tv show, etc has some sort of ridiculous illogical event going on to move the storyline along. Just as long as it isn't so ridiculous, they can get away with it. I don't think MW2 storyline had anything that was that ridiculous to make it bad.

    I pity anyone trying to figure MW2's story that hasn't played the original MW. I admit I was surprised to find out that MW2's story had something to do with the first one. Not because it was a clever plot twist, but because it was pulled out of thin air. There was no fore shadowing allowing the player a chance to figure things out, as usual stories do, it was just BAM!

    Why were you surprised? Black Ops was just a continuation of WaW with a focus on the Cold War this time. Why is it ridiculous to think MW2 would be tied to MW's storyline?

    The first MW was more stream lined with only two storylines, eventually dovetailing into one. Things were easier to follow, and the moments far more memorable. That race thru the tilted ship, the crawling thru the grass by the Russian army, holding them off later by yourself, and that final car chase were truly memorable moments. MW2 and now Black Ops are just one forgettable blur, that I only recall the trudging thru, not the fascination of what I saw.

    MW2 will be remembered for me at least because of the vivid battle scenes in DC since I am from the DC area and constantly passed by the buildings you see in the game. Then you have No Russian because of the shock of what that mission "made" you do( A) They gave you the option to skip it B) You didn't have to shoot to pass the mission).

    Mar 17, 07:03 AM
    OP: Just curious. Roughly what bill denominations did you hand over? Was it mostly big bills? Or a mess of ones, fives, tens, twenties and coins?

    Did you count it along with him? There's no chance a relative secretly slipped an extra $300 in your iPad fund - just to be nice to you. It's been known to happen.

    Jan 12, 03:05 PM
    not me. the video was sooo hilarious. CES = the most prominent electronics show in the world with the MOST HIGH TECH tech you can find. and they allow for a 14.99 POS hack to ruin almost every booth.

    And I could have ruined every booth with a $1.99 slingshot and a pocket full of small stones.

    You can't demonstrate tech products in an open environment while at the same time disabling their features and ensuring that nobody will tamper with them. How do you let people try out your new TV if you've had to disable the IR?

    If pranks like these become more common, companies and trade shows will start to put severe restrictions on who's allowed to attend their events. And that's a bad thing. It's pretty safe to say that Gizmodo, Engadget, and all the other tech blogs would continue to cover CES product announcements whether they're invited to the event or not, so the big manufacturers don't have much to lose by the blogs not being there.

    Apr 10, 12:00 AM
    I believe Windows 8 will actually be Windows 6.2.
    As an Apple user, I'm thrilled that I'm not afflicted with the need to put down Windows in order to boost my ego.

    Apr 25, 12:28 PM
    Did anyone else notice the apparent lack of a search icon next to the homescreen page indicator?

    It does kinda remind me of this: http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/19/video-of-64-gb-white-iphone-4-running-old-test-ios-4-build-with-expose/

    This was proven to be an older build of iOS4 though, so I'm not sure what to make out of it. :/

    Aug 7, 08:26 PM
    Makes them a little more attractive to the penny concious buyer.

    More importantly, cutting price of the current design signals the arrival of a new design in the not-too-distant-future.

    20' for $699?. I bought the dell version a year and a half ago for $600. Wow, yeah, sure puts the scare into Dell.. Dell is practically giving away their 20 inches now. No thanks, I'll take my 699, add a few more dollars and get a Dell 23 inch.

    One good thing, Apple 30 inch is now cheaper than Dell's!!!.. If I had the money for a 30 inch (man, oh man) this would definetly be a deal for me. Oh well.

    Anyone want to donate a $1 towards my "Get a 30 inch apple display" Foundation?. You'll get a tax writeoff!!.. All i need is 2000 people donating $1 each.

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