Thursday, October 20, 2011

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  • rangaswamy
    07-11 02:04 AM
    I have forwarded this within my company and also have made arrangements to send it to Cisco.

    i hope we make this a silent no-slogan protest.

    banners will convey our point.

    william kate kissing skiing. Kate Middleton kissing Kate
  • Kate Middleton kissing Kate

  • mallikonnet
    07-16 07:17 PM

    2011 william kate kissing skiing. william kate kissing skiing. kate and william kissing.
  • kate and william kissing.

  • santb1975
    07-02 01:51 PM

    I think we should also hear from people who have taken action and what their experience was. This may give ideas to others.


    william kate kissing skiing. william kate kissing skiing.
  • william kate kissing skiing.

  • belmontboy
    04-18 06:51 PM
    Can someone work for company A (with green card pending for 8 years) and start green card process thru other company to port to EB2(part time employment). Can they do that. I mean basically working for two companies until you get your green card, then quit company B and continue working for company A. Did anyone do this? Is this a possible scenario?

    Quitting company B right after getting GC would be fraud/misrepresentation.

    After getting GC through B, he/she needs to work for B (usually 6 months or so...)

    william kate kissing skiing. March 2004: William and Kate
  • March 2004: William and Kate

  • walking_dude
    03-13 03:37 PM

    It's oxymoronic to hear a self-confessed slave lecture us on 'Freedom'. Real freedom is standing and fighting for ones rights, and not hiding in a cave. How would a slave know?

    'Red Dots' are also Free speech. Members who gave you one also used their 'Freedom of Expression' just like you ( did you think all freedoms are reserved for you ?).

    FYI, I didn't waste any 'Red dots' on you. IV members are smart. They don't need to be guided by 'Red dots' to recognize an idiot. They smelled one the moment you opened your big trap door.

    Yes! on IV you are supposed to say only good things about IV (though IV is "grass-root" non-profit) but no free speech here :confused:
    You are only supposed to smell and sense good things about IV and hence write only good ... but god-forbid if you write truth then IV-watchers will try to ruin your "image" by giving RED dots (IV-mileage points) and make you feel bad-guy :rolleyes:


    william kate kissing skiing. 2011 prince william and kate
  • 2011 prince william and kate

  • Mayday
    03-30 08:02 PM
    oh and yes, it is easy to file a claim with DOL on your employer - since YOU paid the fees employers has already did bad.
    the form is WH-4 -

    here is the article on this matter - Underpaid the Prevailing Wage? 5 Reasons an H-1B Employer Should Settle Your Complaint � U.S. Business and Immigration Law ( - it is about underpaying, but it contains other things important to you.

    you may actually settle an agreement with this employer, so that he pays you paystubs you could use for H-1 transfer so that you do not go to courts. But have a lawyer involved in this.

    2010 Kate Middleton kissing Kate william kate kissing skiing. On january william french
  • On january william french

  • gc28262
    03-22 11:22 AM
    >> AC21 memo is a real memo.
    Wow, what an ignorance. May I ask, what do you mean by "real memo".

    Read previous post and get enlightened. I can't believe that you guys even don't have distinctions about law, CFR, and memos.

    AC-21 is law.

    Hope it helps.

    Not a legal advice.

    I was referring to "AC21 Memo" not the "AC21 law".
    I agree with your statement that AC21 is a law.


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  • kate kissing jan win kiss

  • polapragada
    08-13 08:43 PM
    Yes, that is right, I said �plight of EB2-India�.

    I am a passive observer of these forums. But some of the ridiculous notions floating around here have motivated me to vent. First and foremost, the law as written is highly favorable to people in EB3 categories, even from India. Here is how...

    Take my example (and there are thousands like myself)....came to the US 8 years ago, spent 5 years working day and night to earn a PhD on a low (barely sustainable) stipend, got FIRST job saw decent money for the first time 6 years after I came.

    Now, compare this to a person working an EB3-job for the last 8 years. Not only does this person do a real job that hopefully provides a respectable income but this person also has the option of moving to EB2 after 5 years of experience. So, at the end of the day in 2008; this person comes out ahead of me in terms of money, in terms of priority date (if ported) and most likely in terms of GC.

    There are complaints all over the forum which have the stink of pretentiousness such as �oh..i am a poor EB3 waiting for n number of years� etc etc. What you guys seem to forget is that YOU are NOT an EB3, it is your JOB that is EB3. You have all the opportunities that were/are available to a person who sweated it out in the university system here to gain more qualifications and get an EB2 job. You CHOSE not to. The general discussion seems to center around cribbing about the US immigration system (Immigration by the way is a privilege defined by laws, not a birthright) and then blaming the EB2 crowd when they finally see the system implement the law as intended in the first place (horizontal spillover rules).

    All these posts that refer to �my career is over because my gc is delayed� are nothing but a pathetic excuse. Law of supply and demand....if you have a skillset that is valuable, you will be fine with or without GC anywhere in the world. It takes a bunch of documents to remain here legally, all you need is a passport to go back if the system here seems so bad.

    For all the attacks that are bound to happen, here is the fodder.....this is probably my first and last post, I haven�t contributed a dime to IV, will work here as long as I like it and if not, India is a great country and provides enough opportunities for any skillset !!

    I feel education should be rewarded (Every where). High skilled should get prefference.

    chaanakya may be you should consider putting your words in soft intangiable worlds...

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  • prince william and kate

  • acruix
    07-16 12:38 PM


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  • william kate kissing. kate

  • Vexir
    06-12 02:43 AM
    Like this:

    My iPod:

    hot william kate kissing skiing. william kate kissing skiing. JANUARY 2006: William is
  • JANUARY 2006: William is

  • santb1975
    01-31 08:02 PM
    Keep voting folks. Dont let the question slide down


    house 2011 prince william and kate william kate kissing skiing. william kate kissing skiing.
  • william kate kissing skiing.

  • rajuseattle
    04-18 04:13 PM
    Way to go JimyTomy.

    For all well qualified EB-3 folks it is a good and legal way of getting out of this EB-3 India mess.

    tattoo March 2004: William and Kate william kate kissing skiing. william and kate kissing.
  • william and kate kissing.

  • abhijitp
    12-03 07:03 PM
    I just thought I will play the devil's advocate.

    It could be that $100 or $50 is a big amount for people. Maybe people do not make $80K a year, just half of that (there are may H1Bs like that). Micro-payments may be a better option for some people. Do we want to disallow those contributions as well? People who want to pay will pay and people who do not want to pay will not pay. I guess we just have to make sure that we donot deny the people who want to pay but cannot. :)

    I am willing to go along with monthly payments as there seems to be a consensus on this forum that it is the best option.


    This has been discussed umpteen number of times, but I am going to share a personal experience here (shared once already on a similar thread).

    For the last state chapter (Diwali Mela) event in North CA we were accepting ANY AMOUNT for a contribution, but were suggesting $25 or $50.

    How many contributed? About 20 from a state chapter that boasts of 150+ members.

    The fact is, people do one of the following:
    1. look at the recommended amount and contribute that amount (most of our donors were $25, and a few paid $50)
    2. pay a high $ amount simply because (s)he is convinced he wants to help as much as possible! (Most of the volunteers for the event paid $50 or more, and three of them paid $90/$100 each)
    3. DO NOT pay, no matter what, as they are not convinced it will help reduce their waiting time

    One more time... IV is not turning anyone away. If you can only contribute $10 a month, please feel free to paypal it yourself to donations at

    Like the squirrel who helped Lord Rama construct the bridge (sorry for making this a slightly "Indian" post, but can't think of a better analogy) every small bit is going to help IV, and will be most appreciated!

    However, the bridge to the GC is a long one, and our Lord Rama (IV) needs thousands of hard-working and contributing monkeys to make it a reality:D


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  • william kate kissing. kate

  • sundarpn
    01-04 08:37 AM
    Chennai consulate website clearly says 7 business days and in december till 1st jan there were holidays.
    Folks, pl mention whcin consulate in your posts. thx

    dresses JANUARY 2006: William is william kate kissing skiing. and Kate have split up.
  • and Kate have split up.

  • lazycis
    10-16 08:52 PM
    NC has been pending since April 2004. Currently in process of suing the government.


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  • 2011 prince william and kate

  • dallasdude
    10-07 10:45 AM
    It's not a wise decision to invest in India for another few years. If a controlled market like the US experiences such short comings, you cant even imagine how things will get in India. It's going to be extremely volatile and the armageddon is just about to begin. Stay away from there.

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  • prince william kate middleton

  • pmb76
    07-17 09:55 PM
    Thanks all. I read the petition and I think it is great work. Yes, we need to send messages like this as a group.

    Allow me to quote from the petition:
    "It is required by law to pay an H1-B a minimum of $40000. "

    I'm not challenging anything here, but can someone please point to the source of this? Is this Federal?

    Again, I'm not challenging this. I just would appreciate some pointers so that I can learn more.

    Thanks again.

    Please read section 201

    "(ii) is offering and will offer during the period of authorized employment to H-1B nonimmigrants wages that are at least equal to an annual salary of $40,000 (including cash bonuses and similar compensation), except if the employer is an institution of higher education (as defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965) or a related or affiliated nonprofit entity, a nonprofit research organization, or a governmental research organization, and".

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  • wahwah
    06-05 04:39 PM
    you 're may what shivap80 is saying is correct also...
    if your i-485 comes up for adjudication and you have file ac21 and your i-140 is pending as well, then the portability is only valid if i-140 is approved. of course after that to make sure that the portability is valid they will apply the "similar job" criteria.

    You are interpreting as: It must be approved when in reality it means that It should have been already approved in order to make a decision on portability. They can not be forced to approve your I-140 just because you are changing jobs.

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  • Circulatory system

  • getgreensoon
    01-25 03:28 PM
    Full Disclosure.. I am an Indian

    Very glad to see that these people have been caught by the law enforcement agents. These are the people who care candidates for EB1 category for greencards. As most of these join the fake IT bodyshops and show multinational executive experience on their resume. This is not the only university where you see people from Andhra Pradesh misusing law, there are many universities in the same business. I hope to see more enforement like this. I wish the USCIS and other related agencies crack down on the misuse of credential in the greencard process. Most of the IT people with fake experience and reporting structure should be punished for violating law and legitimate people with US education should get their right place in the waiting list.

    My wife is on H4 visa and looking for opportunities. She gets calls from all these consultant who ask her to get on to F1 visa at some community college and then use CPT/OPT for working on their projects.....when i came to this country to study at a top ranked university, i thought F1 visa is for higher it is used in community colleges. New learning everyday!!

    Hope to see more crackdowns .....

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  • circulatory system heart.

  • Meenal
    06-03 04:47 PM
    I am from Ohio and tried several times to join State Chapter. I did get PM from a member last week who asked me to get him my personal info, which I did but no rsponse from him..

    Can you suggest a link how can I join SC?



    Hi Ramesh,

    I spoke with Uday, he has enrolled you as a State Chapter Member. There is a google/yahoo grp that each chapter leader maintains. You can directly contact Uday if you have any suggestions or he will contact you when there is any action item and the members of Ohio are participating. Thanks for agreeing to volunteer your time for IV.


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  • smuggymba
    11-03 08:04 AM
    Sen Reid and Grassley win. I was hoping they would lose badly.


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  • GCard_Dream
    06-26 04:26 PM
    Great. Thanks. That's what I had thought until someone came out and said that digital photos are unacceptable.

    Check the photo guidelines from USCIS website here is blurb
    "For U.S. passport and visa photographs, a digital camera with a resolution of 1 mega-pixel will be more than adequate for capturing the image and producing the final photo that conforms to the dimensions specified on this web site.
    and the link is
    digital photos are OK if printed prpoerly.

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  • human circulatory system

  • nrk
    11-11 02:14 PM

    The first part is cleared out for you.

    I don't have enough experience to comment on the other issue.

    All the best

    Hi folks,
    We had the appt wt infopass the other day.I guess it was just like others,some kinda error and that happened opening the SR wt TSC.They said our case is preadjudicated.and said we may want to check on the case by making an appt wt the center but maybe NOT calling and opening a service request.What a waste of time n energy, all the agony we had to go through!!

    NOW guys i have some other issue/question to ask u all.
    After the EAD is approved do u necessarily have to be working for the same employer who sponsored for you? Ours is like future appointment.The USCIS wanted some docs from us this June re the appontment/work related.And yesterday when we asked that officer she said our case is preadjuticated as of Oct 2009.So far we have taken couple of paychecks frm the sponsoring company.But then we have our own small business also that has kept us going.And we were thinking of taking more paychecks after the GC is approved.Does that make sense to you guys? or are we at fault?
    PLS Suggest??


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  • meridiani.planum
    07-20 03:37 AM
    History does not repeat itself. The historians repeat one another.
    Max Beerbohm

    Sir Beerbohm was a parodist. I hope you have not taken something he said in satire and made it your life's mission statement ;)

    If we are going to quote humorists, heres one that shares my view:

    You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself. ~ Samuel Levenson

    I guess it does make life more exciting when we make decisions without thoughts to the past but I prefer learning from others experiences. Rather make new mistakes than do something stupid that 3 other people had already done.

    You are of course entitled to your own views on life and debating this is perhaps of no use.

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  • ssa
    02-04 05:40 PM
    Sent letters for me and my wife to White House and IV


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  • uma78
    02-10 06:35 PM
    mails at around 5.45PM today. I don't think it means much. Just soft LUD, I think.

    Thank you gcformeornot.

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  • human circulatory system heart

  • aachoo
    02-14 01:18 AM
    got LUD on 1/29, 1/30 RFE send, 2/10 RFE evidence received, 2/11

    I am also an NCS-CSC-NSC transfer. Got LUDs on 2/10 on my/my wife's application. I just got an email saying an RFE was sent just for my application.

    Anyone else that got RFEs after getting LUDs at the beginning of Feb? What were the RFEs for?



    circulatory system heart. the circulatory system heart.
  • the circulatory system heart.

  • hebbar77
    05-18 07:06 PM
    It seems like you believe in all or nothing.
    With such an attitude we will end up with nothing.

    Did you vote against Masters quota for H1B??

    I ONLY believe in MERITT based system.

    I never voted against anything so far!!:D

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  • ssa
    02-04 05:40 PM
    Sent letters for me and my wife to White House and IV


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  • circulatory system heart

  • go_guy123
    05-11 01:06 PM
    WASHINGTON � Democrats are trying once again to advance legislation that would give some young illegal immigrants a chance to live legally in the U.S.

    Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois plans to file a new DREAM Act bill on Wednesday. In the House, Rep. Howard Berman of California plans to file similar legislation.

    Generally, to qualify the young immigrants must have a high school diploma or the equivalent and have spent two years in college or the military. They must have been under 16 when they arrived in the U.S.

    At least one Republican, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, is co-sponsoring the House bill.

    The bill filings would follow a speech Tuesday in Texas on immigration by President Barack Obama.

    Read more: Democrats to try again on DREAM Act - (

    All token stunt by Democratic party before 2012. Last time they failed in lame duck but with GOP in power even Latino groups are not energised by it

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  • the circulatory system heart.

  • desi3933
    02-25 03:29 PM
    I did post about this. We have seen professor's expert opinion letters showing the equivalency to the MA being approved. However, the evidence does point to an equivalency to a BA.

    Thanks for your reply, Sheila.

    Now, since the evidence does point to equivalent to a BA, can this affect already approved petitions that have been submitted with evidence equating it to MS in past.

    You also mentioned in one of the post that you have had 100% success rate equating CA to MS. Now, evidence is pointing to the contrary, I am not sure about the effect on these approved I-140 petitions.

    Once again, thanks for your reply.


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  • Circulatory system / Heart 3D

  • laborday
    07-17 10:56 AM
    OK, anyone who can help me here? I am still getting June.
    For NSC

    I-765 Application for Employment Authorization Based on a pending I-485 adjustment application [(c)(9)] March 26, 2007

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  • Immi_Chant
    07-23 10:08 PM
    Both were EB2 from the same company. PD on one was Oct/2006 and the other was Feb/2002.

    Congrats for the GC !!!
    You mentioned that both of your cases are under EB2, correct? Normally people will do interfile (PD Amendment) from one category to another, like EB3 to EB2.
    Can you please share why you ported in the same category? Or because of some other reason?



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  • V.) Circulatory System

  • tinku01
    02-19 11:48 AM
    Wellwin I am totally agree with your points and whatever you have mentioned in your message is appreciable.
    like_watching_paint_dry your points are valid but try to see from the other side I mean think if would have chosen for CP instead of 485.
    Please don't hink that CP filers are not contributing in any efforts of immigration voice, I have also sent letters to president for this latest campaign although there was no point mentioned for CP. I know that we can win this battle together.

    In short I just want to say that it would be good if we all work together please do consider the CP filers as part of this community.

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  • boreal
    01-19 04:08 PM
    I have sent the letter to President as well as IV.

    Sent the letter to the President and IV.

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  • Cardiovascular system

  • uslegals
    11-06 11:02 AM
    Thanks bharatpremi - thats a pretty comprehensive scenario.! Very helpful indeed.!
    My Infopass appt. is next week in baltimore. My EAD & AP are still pending for both me and my wife. 90 days was y'day.! USCIS recd. our EAD & AP applications on 8/7.

    I have scheduled my appt. for tuesday morning. I could provide only my info (A# and receipt #) online - can i take my wife along too although she hasn't officially scheduled a appt for tuesday with me.? Do you know if they may object when we have filled ii only 1 person online but 2 show up for the appt.?

    09-05 06:32 PM

    I sent you a PM, can we team up? I need some more info!

    Please book through our website on my signature.

    06-19 08:00 PM
    I doubt there is some thing like range fixed for lawyers. They can charge what ever they want. Asking those Q's will only cause more resentment than any thing else.

    Yeah. We're not supposed to ask Questions like why are you charging me 3 times what other are charging? You are kidding right!!!

    In this country, you have got to stand up for what you want. No one is going to give it to you on a platter.

    Fash Watch - Olivia Palermo

    Even wonder what it's like to be Olivia Palermo for a day? Check out this video of Olivia hitting up some of her favorite places in NYC for a day of shopping, pampering and even some ping pong! Pictured above is Olivia's most recent outing to the 2nd Annual amfAR Inspiration Gala in New York City. I'm dying over her blue polka dot dress!
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